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anirudh and james were hugging each other when they hear a knock on the door 

they hurridely seperate , james moves forward to open the door but anirudh stops him and says 

anirudh - james ye baat kisko mat batana ki tum sab jante ho , mein nhi chhta bondita mujhe as a responsbility samaj kr apnaye 

james nods in yes and opens the door 

bondita was standing there with a worried face trying to figure out whether james or anirudh somebody might have lost patience  

but  to her surprise or sweet shock everything was calm 

she entered and sitted on her place whereas james too sitted 

they were working when anirudh ask both

anirudh - you know what that i asked you for the suggestion right to impress my wife but i think she doesnt want to recognize me 

may be she is punishing me for what i had done to her 

bondita is again losing all colours of face which is noticed by both but james just showed that he is engrossed in his work while anirudh is gazing her 

bondita thinks - ye james itna shant kyu baitgha hai kal to itne sare sawal puch raha tha aur aaj itna shant 

kuch bolo james , speak please 

anirud - lily what should i do ,do you have any clue 

lily starts to sweat again - what , what should i say sir 

your wish what you want to do ?

anirudh - smart answer barrister 

but why are you sweating , yesterday also you were sweating when i told you of my wife 

lily - no why should i ....

anirudh goes again and sits in front of her on the table , james on seeing this get up seeing james getting up she becomes worried for what will james be doing next but to her shock he ask anirudh and excues himself out of cabin leaving the  two ....

lily -  why james moved out 

anirudh - his choice 

anirudh same like yesterday wipes the sweat formed on her head with his handkerchief and instantly pull out the hair pin tucked in the broad hair bun leaving the hairs flow in air 

lily - what you are doing sir 

anirudh - nothing lily just removing this hair pin , i like flowing hairs more 

lily - do you treat every lady assitant like this 

anirudh - no lily its just for you 

lily - why this change for me 

anirudh - the answer you have it already but dont want to accept it right 

lily - that means you know 

anirudh - why you thought that i cant recognize you bondita 

yo are my wife how can you just ignore me 

i had expected that you will only approach me to tell that you are my bondita my wife but you never so i thought i should only take the step 

lily - first of all i am not bondita any more , and second thing why i should have told you that i am the one whom you have abandoned years before 

anirudh - bondita listen to me , what happen years before by me , i still feel guilty for it but trust me i serched you everywhere but were not there 

you know what sumati ma had forgived me and she rested in peace in my arms only .

i am seeking apology from you for what i did 

i am really sorry for what had happened please forgive me bondita or give punishment for it but dont ignore me like this 

lily - that means maa died in front of you  but you still not able to save her 

and why searched for me , who am i to you , is pari didi not there for you 

anirudh - i tried my best to save maa but i lost her she have taken a promise from me to take care of you 

no bondita no one is there for me 

lily - what do you mean ?

anirudh - i mean saudamini had married to a britisher and had settled in england and there is no one in life without you 

lily - that mean due to the promise you want me in your life ?

anirudh - no bondita you are misunderstanding me

i doesnt mean to say like that 

lily- let it be sir ...barriester babu 

i forgive you barriester babu ,because it was not all your fault it was my fault too , i hadnt told you 

anirudh - no you didnt do anything bondita , i know everything sampoorna had told me everything on my engagement day and i refused to be engaged and rush to take you but i was late you were already gone then i came to know you were in ....i had reached there too but upto i take you from there you already had ran away ...i was happy that  you ran away and was thinking that you might return to your house but you never returned 

lily - i had returned to my house barriester babu , but as my only mother had already leaved me alone in the world so i went far from my house 

anirudh- bondita i mean rc mansion , your my our house which is in tulsipur 

lily - no barrister babu that house is not mine anymore  now its yours only and yes you are free to marry anyone , you are leaved from the promise that my mother had taken from you as i am able to stand for myself ....

anirudh - you are my wife , what s mine is yours , so the house is yours too 

lily - no it was not mine or not will be mine bariester babu 

bondita after saying hurridely leves for her current home without letting anirudh say anything further....

she reaches home and opens the door And get shocked  

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