Chapter 9: Patience.

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Unlike the impatient, patient people always get what they want in life beginning with the smallest to the biggest things. If you are patient, you will get the best there is.

If you rush things then probably you might not get the results you were aiming at. This is a proven testimony in this world. We see these things happen all the damn time!   For example people who be in a rush to become rich and end up using dubious means to get there. These people usually regret afterwards like in the case of those who kill innocent people in the process or take bribes, squander public money just on a mission to get rich.
Such people can be caught and arrested for life but would that have happened if you honestly and patiently worked for what you wanted? No. Infact you wouldn't be spending your last years of life in prison instead of enjoying your money in the outside world!

We need to think ahead and act responsibly because whatever we do has consequences, whether you do it in the dark or in the open. Work hard and patiently for what you want and when you achieve it you can be proud of yourself!
Things you work hard for can never disappear. They keep growing into bigger things therefore we have to be patient in this struggle because all the goodies come afterwards, non-stop.

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