Chapter 22: Accept change.

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Change comes in various ways, be it positive or negative. We all want to see change in the world but none of us is ready to step up and do something about it. Here's a quote from the great Mahatma Gandhi; "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Now, let's be honest. Change is scary right? But then what are we without change? What is this world without change? Don't you think some of the things happening around us need to change? Who's going to bring about this change? These are the common questions asked all over the world as per my research. Many influential people advocate for change, that it makes us better but it is all too scary admittedly. I for one, feae change's not about the fear. We have to fight this fear because fear holds us back. Fear invades your mind and makes you think you can't do something even if you tried. It corrupts our minds to think that we can't change a thing about the world even if it needs changing. This is why very few people adjust to changes in their lives and the rest are scared, maybe. It reminds me of this quote by the same, Mahatma Gandhi; You may never know what results to come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.

Allow me say this is the truest thing I've witnessed in this life on earth. The change we want in our lives, we cannot accomplish it if we don't try anything. If we don't try anything to achieve these changes, there will definitely be no results. Simply plain as that. If we don't put in the hardwork to allow change or bring about the change we want, we won't know what would have come out of that work done. For example, let's say you are too quiet and reserved but then you are now tired of that and you want to get out of your shell but you are too scared of the change; say, you'll have to make more friends yet you fear interacting with people, you'll have to make conversations with fellows at school or at work but that seems even scarier. See, that's the fear of change and this reluctance can make you give up and remain in your comfort zone where you are always alone with no one to talk to. If such a person wants change, they will have to summon all the courage they have in them and face their fears of being around others in order to let this change come in. They will have to
talk to someone in order to make a new friend.

No matter how scary it might look or be, change is always worth it. Change makes us better. Change makes us develop mentally and emotionally and once we are comfortable with the changes we have done or pursued, we can't appreciate ourselves more. We feel like we own the world and that is the beauty of it all. We find a sense of peace and belonging, like in case of the example used above. Let's allow change because it always has something good to offer in the end and we barely ever regret it. Change is good.

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