Chapter Nine

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Louis' POV


The five boys met up the next day. And the next day. And the next few months. They had become close friends. Some people thought it was weird how Louis and Zayn added the other three to their friend group out of the blue, but none of the boys cared.

One day, Liam and Niall skipped up to the others at lunch, looking ecstatic. "We have an amazing idea!!!" Niall shouted. "You need to CALM down" Harry said, taking a bite of pizza. "Okay, be like that, but this idea is really great" Liam sat down next to Zayn. "We should all... MOVE IN TOGETHER" Niall screamed dramatically. 

Louis thought this would be great. Living with Harry! In a completely dude bro best friends laddy lad way. Harry's straight. Louis, on the other hand, had come out to the whole school when he first arrived. "I mean, where is there an apartment, can we rent it, we should plan this." "We found an apartment with five bedrooms, three baths and a pool 5 minutes down, walking." explained Liam, "We'd each need to pay €90 a month, so affordable." (I googled this, €90 is a bit more than $100) "It's on campus and pretty close to all of our buildings!" Niall said. Harry seemed to think about it, "I'm in if you two are." Obviously the boys agreed. Liam showed them some pictures and they figured out who's room would be who's. It was a little premature, but who cares.

After school the next day, all five of them walked to the apartment, buzzing with excitement. "Alright! All of you need to sign here and here, and then the keys will be yours" the woman said, pointing to the lease. They were renting it from two women named Bebe and Anne-Marie. They were really nice. The boys had decided they would finish the week, it was Wednesday, then move in over the weekend.

They really didn't have much stuff to move. Anne-Marie and Bebe were providing furniture for a small amount extra, so the friends didn't even need moving trucks.

Finally Saturday came. Louis and Zayn packed their stuff into Zayn' car. Louis had broken his own. Three times. So Zayn forbid him from buying a new one. They reached Harry, Niall, and Liam's dorm and the three were putting the last of their bags in the car.

One of Niall's bags didn't fit, so Louis offered Zayn's car. "You can ride with us too." Zayn looked at Louis with a pleading look and Louis understood his friend wanted to ride with Liam.

"Hey Haz, wanna switch with Zayn? I'll drive" he strategically asked. "Oh hell no. You cannot drive my car. You're going to crash it, or break it somehow" the raven-haired boy cut in. "Um. Louis can ride shotgun with me. Then, you can ride with Liam." Harry suggested. Louis pouted a bit, but brightened when he realised he would be riding with Harry. And Niall. But Niall was already asleep in the back of Zayn's car.

Louis hopped into the passenger seat. "So, why exactly did you want to ride with me?" Harry asked. "Harry, sunshine, I want to drive away with you. Into the sunset." At this, Harry snorted and raised an eyebrow. Well, it wasn't a lie, but Louis couldn't say that. "Okay, so Zayn and Liam like each other, right?" The other boy nodded. "So I wanted to give them some alone time, hoping one of the two would suck it up and ask the other out." Louis finished. "Ah. Makes sense. Both of them are pretty oblivious to them liking each other." Harry responded.  "Yep. Now let's set up our new home" Louis said, as they pulled up at the complex.


Hi boyyyss! Liked the chapter? The header is some sticker designs I made.

I was watching Riverdale and at one point it used Sign of the Times for like five seconds. It started with the chords and I just screeched 'SIGN OF THE TIMESSSSS' coz I recognized it and my family thought I went crazy. It ended after like 5 lines tho. I love when 1d/solo songs are used and I'm like HA ONE DIRECTION. Anyway, have a fantastic day, listen to Why Don't We Go There, nd I'll talk to you later my sweet creatures.


Ed Sheeran
Shawn Mendes
Steve Aoki
Taylor Swift
Tom Holland

(pls dont hate on eleanor, either she dates lou coz its her job (blame management) or her boyfriend is gay. pretty unfortunate, isn't it)

(k, so this is me like a month later. some people said Eleanor's racist/homophobic? IDK what's true sooo yeah, bye)

(okaaay this is me a few months later. apparently there's some interview where eleanor compares a mangalsutra (important indian jewelry) to a DOG LEASH, so tpwk in the comments, but ur justified if u hate her for this)

Instagram: sunshinytemptress

Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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