Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: OMFG ive actually written 20 chapters, what???
So after this, I might write cute, one-shot-type chapters like snippets of their life, but no continuing storyline.

Louis' POV


Harry put his arm around Louis' waist and led them out of his room. The smaller boy was nervous about telling Zayn, but just Harry's presence calmed him.

Still, he hoped his black haired friend would understand and not be too mad. Before they walked into the kitchen, Harry gave Lou a peck on the head, as if sensing his apprehension.

The couple separated and walked into the kitchen side by side, looking like laddy lad bro no homo pals.

Well, not no homo, just minimal homo.

Zayn was already there, laughing with Liam over a cup of tea. For a moment, Louis was so happy Zayn was as comfortable with their new friends as he was. Louis was often outgoing and friendly, in contrast to Zayn, who took more time to warm up to people.

"Oh God, has Liam made you do it too?" Harry burst out. Liam and Louis were confused, before Zayn laughed and responded, "It's alright, really. The fork gets the job done."

Only then did Louis notice the two men were stirring their beverages with forks. He asked Liam why he made Zayn not use a spoon, making the boy blush bright red. "I have a... strange fear of spoons." he sheepishly explained. Wow, who had his best friend fallen for.

After a bit more time, Louis remembered why he walked in, in the first place. "Oh, um, Zayn? Can I talk to you about something?" Zayn agreed, seeming confused. He followed Lou into the family room, sitting opposite him on the sofa.

"So...." Zayn said when Louis didn't speak. "I, uh. I," Louis stuttered. Zayn put a hand on Louis' arm, reminding him to breathe. "I asked Harry on a date" he rushed out.

As expected, the other boy's face fell. "Um, what?" he asked. Louis took a breath. "I asked Harry on a date on Monday and he said yes."

"Why, why didn't you tell me." Zayn managed to say.

"I swear, I was going to tell you, I was just embarrassed and I wanted it to go well and stuff happened at the date that we just worked out and I really like him and I'm sorry." the blue eyed boy was quick to explain.

Zayn huffed out a wet laugh, "So that was why you came home with a racoon up your arse yesterday."

A/N you know, you can fit approximately 2.5 average racoons up your ass with no severe/long-lasting damage

Louis, thankful that Zayn was taking it so well, chuckled along. "Yeah, he just explained this morning and you know what! He wanted it to be a date and thought it wasn't as well!" Louis exclaimed.

Zayn snickered, "No duh, you two are disgustingly obsessed with each other. Hey! Now we can double date!" he added on. "Double date?" Louis asked, "You got over Liam?" "Hopefully not. He was kinda gonna be my date" Zayn smirked.

"What! You asked him out! You didn't tell me." Louis faked a hurt expression. "Well, you hypocrite, he asked me yesterday and I said yes. So.... I have a boyfriend!" Zayn retorted.

"Ah my Zayniekins, all grown up. Dating boys and whatnot." Zayn groaned and dragged Louis back into the kitchen, stopping Harry and Liam's conversation.

Harry sent a questioning glance at Louis, getting a beaming smile back.

"Well..." Liam's boyfriend started, "It seems all the people in the house have coupled up." "Except Niall" Harry coughed.

"I AM HEAD. OVER. HEELS. FOR MY GUITAR. THANK YOU VERY MUCH" the Irish boy yelled from his room, making everyone laugh.

A/N i didn't want to use laugh, but the only synonym i could come up with was guffaw... 

"But really," Zayn said, "A double date would be so fun" "Yeah, it would be." Harry responded, putting his chin on Louis' head.

Louis hadn't even realized Harry was behind him, let alone that his hands were around his waist.

This really was perfect, he concluded.


Hi!!! Wowwww this was insanely hard to write.... its fine tho

LMAO so i was in the principal's office at school (i did NOT get in trouble, im a good child) and i was listening to music. my principal asked what i was listening to and i said 1D, coz i was. THEN she asked what song. I. COMPLETELY. BLANKED. she said "what song? i want to listen to what the kids listen to" so she was going to ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE SONG I TOLD HER AND I WAS LISTENING TO NO CONTROL. i freaked and said half a heart so...... OMG harry added tbsl to the setlistttt and liam's royal albert performance wow. Anygays, have an amazayn day, listen to no control AND half a heart, and i'll talk to you later my sweet creatures. TPWK

Instagram: sunshinytemptress
Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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