Chapter Twenty

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Harry's POV


Harry was fucked.

Olivia had ruined his date with Louis and Louis was obviously pissed.

He was beginning to doubt whether it was even a date.

Okay, Olivia had ruined his hangout with Louis.

It made Harry stay in bed till nine in the morning. Even Liam and Niall got worried.

They pushed their way through the door and sat across from Harry on the bed. "So... how did it go" Niall asked tentatively, wincing at Harry's glare. "D'ya think I would be sat here moping if it was fantastic?"

Liam stepped in, "What happened? Lou seemed upset when he came home."

Taking a deep breath, Harry explained. "So, we were there and it was going great. We, I, had just ordered dessert and then..." "Then?" Niall prompted. "Then Olivia of all people showed up! She was acting like we were still together or something and she drove Louis off and now I'm wondering whether it was a date at all!" Harry said in a rush.

"Do you really like him?" Liam questioned.

"No, I squealed about a possible date cause I hate him," was Harry's sarcastic remark.

"Really Haz" Niall said.

"I mean, yeah. He's like a... sunshine. Only giving vibes anytime he rolls in. He pulls me out and never lets me down." "Well... go make sure he knows it!" Liam half-yelled.

"Really? Okay, I will. Thanks, you guys." Harry left.

As he walked out he heard Liam say "Hey, that rhymed! Rolls in, know it." Niall snorted, "Then go make a song about it."

Harry shook his head and went to enter Louis' room through the adjoining bathroom. Instead, he was met with an almost naked Louis.

Taken by surprise, he just managed to ask if they could talk. "Yeah, sure. If you want." Louis replied, indifferent.

Was Louis not affected by what happened yesterday? Was Harry reading into it? When he got back to his room, his best friends were gone leaving him to sit on his bed and contemplate what to say.

Some time later (minutes, hours, who knows) Louis knocked, "Can I come in?" "Yeah" Harry breathed out, trying to say calm. Sitting next to him was his crush who he had just ruined almost any chance of dating.

And may he just add, Louis was looking amazing, all soft and cute, with sweat Harry was 75% sure were his. But that was off track.

Just. Say. It. Okay, okay.

"Lou, I, I like you. Like like like you. A lot. I really hope last night was a date." Well, any chance of playing it cool was gone. He waited with bated breath for Louis to say something.

Oh god, he had ruined everything, he had to move out. Possibly cut contact with Liam and Niall, so they could still be friends with Zayn and Louis without it being weird.

When Louis finally did speak it was to ask, "Who's Olivia?"

Ah, Olivia. How to say this. Distract him? "Is Olivia even a person? Is Olivia an emotion? Is she a place? We don't know" After an unamused look from the other boy, Harry conceded. "Olivia is my ex girlfriend. We broke up 2-ish years ago. She was absolutely..." Say something nice. Don't say batshit crazy. "...interesting."

This made Louis let out an angelic laugh, making Harry smile as well.

"I don't want to flat out reject her, because she could go completely... interesting, but I really want her out of my life. I'm sorry she ruined our da- dinner"

Damn it, not date, dinner. Not date.

Imagine his surprise when Louis murmured "Our date" Date! Our date!

"What?" Harry grinned, knowing the answer.

"Our date" Louis repeated with a fond eyeroll.

He just couldn't hold back from crushing the daylights out of Lou. "But Haz" the small boy became serious, "You could have told me, or said 'This is my ex girlfriend' or something." Harry winced, "I know, I'm sorry. I was just shocked and I didn't know whether it was a date to you."

This sent Louis into another fit of laughter, "No, it wasn't, I take all my friends to Brasserie Vashappenin. Just a few lads doing laddy things cause lads are cool," he said sarcastically.

Pouting, Harry dragged Louis down to snuggle.

Thank god Harry had just said what he felt. Well what he was feeling now was hunger, and he told Louis as much.

Cracking his back, Harry said, "Hey, we should tell the others, right? That we're actually together." "Um... yeah..." Louis drew it out. "Zayn knows you asked me out. Louis?"

"Possibly..." Louis said.

"How could you not tell him?! He's your best friend!" Harry responded, exasperated. "I'm sorry, I wanted it to go well first." the boy replied back.

Harry understood. He was never afraid/embarrassed/scared of what people thought of him (especially his body, half a nudist this one) but he understood why some others were.

"Alright," he put an arm around his date, "Let's go face the music."



So... what to talk about. Idk, what's up with you? I literally have nothing to talk about. OH WAIT LOVE ON TOUR IS SO GREAT LIKE THE DALLAS COWBOY OUTFIT AND THE LITERAL COPYING OF 2012 LOUIS *chef kiss* I'm planning to paint my nails Harry's-first-five-LOT-outfits-themed. Did y'all see the video of the Golden lyric changes? I think it was in LA.... Also, Nialler's birthday is tomorrow, yay! Anygays, have an extrodinharry day, do a good deed, and I'll talk to you later my sweet creatures. TPWK

Instagram: sunshinytemptress
Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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