Chapter Nineteen

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Aww cute larry fanart from Pinterest

Louis' POV


Yet again, Louis woke up with a pounding headache.

He flailed around for a bottle of water, sitting up straight.

Slowly, the night before came back to him. Picking Harry up, walking with Harry, talking to Harry for hours, Harry's girlfriend, falling asleep to thoughts of Harry, Harry, Harry. Louis' face twisted into a scowl remembering all that happened.

He promised himself he wouldn't think of Harry or The Date or Olivia. Just to keep busy, Louis hung up the clothes lying on the ground. He cleaned.

The whole process took about 45 minutes, a long time, but not nearly long enough.

The entire time his brain was filled with thoughts of Harry. Harry was around every corner, over his shoulder, everywhere. It was hard to think, even breathe, when he knew the dimpled boy was two rooms over, so close.

He decided to take a shower to try, probably unsuccessfully, to forget everything. For 5 minutes, Louis focused on the feel of the water hitting him and sliding off. When his skin started turning red, he stepped out and pulled on a pair of boxers under his towel. He was beginning to shave when the connecting door to the bathroom slide open.

The man Louis had been struggling to erase stepped through, eyes widening as he took in Louis' appearance. "Lou- I- Can we talk? I just- yesterday." Harry stumbled through a sentence.

What was there to talk about yesterday? Could he tell Louis wanted dinner to be a date, when it obviously wasn't. Oh no. Play it cool, Lou. You don't know what he wants. "Yeah, sure. If you want to?"

"O-okay. Good, just- I'll let you get changed then." he awkwardly stumbled out.

Louis released a breath he didn't know he was holding. After slipping on some over-sized sweats, he knocked on Harry's door. "Come in" he said shakily.

Why would Harry be nervous? Louis' the one who didn't realize Harry had a girlfriend. He was bi, after all, not just gay.

The tall boy was cross-legged on his bed and patted the space next to him. Louis curled up on the left side, waiting. But Harry didn't say anything.

Louis waited. Harry stayed silent.

After a minute or two, Harry broke the silence. "Lou, I, I like you. Like like like you. A lot. I really hope last night was a date."




Harry, the possible love of his life (yes, love), liked him back. He wanted last night to be a date. But what about Olivia?

"Who's Olivia" Louis blurted out.

At this, Harry winced. "Is Olivia even a person? Is Olivia an emotion? Is she a place? We don't know" he tried to philosophize his way out of answering. Louis wasn't impressed.

After a pointed look, the green-eyed boy gave up. "Olivia is my ex girlfriend." he sighed, "We broke up 2-ish years ago. She was absolutely... interesting."

Louis laughed at his Hazza's attempt to be nice. Treat people with kindness and all that.

Harry started again, more relaxed this time. "I don't want to flat out reject her, because she could go completely... interesting, but I really want her out of my life. I'm sorry she ruined our da- dinner"

"Our date" Louis corrected.


Louis smiled at Harry's grin, "Our date" The cuddly teddy bear of boy hugged the life out of Lou.

"But Haz, you could have told me, or said 'This is my ex girlfriend' or something" he said. "I know, I'm sorry. I was just shocked and I didn't know whether it was a date to you."

The small boy snickered "No, it wasn't, I take all my friends to Brasserie Vashappenin. Just a few lads doing laddy things cause lads are cool," he said sarcastically.

Harry grumbled and pulled Louis on the bed to cuddle. Tucked under Hazza's arm, Louis felt safe and happy that he'd talked to Harry.

"We should get up, eat breakfast" Harry mumbled into his hair. "Okaaay" Louis stretched.

"Hey, we should tell the others, right? That we're actually together." the taller one yawned. "Uh, yeah..." Louis said.

Harry frowned, "Zayn knows you asked me out. Louis?" "Possibly..." Louis stretched it out.

"How could you not tell him?! He's your best friend!" Harry whisper-shouted. "I'm sorry, I wanted it to go well first." the small boy argued back.

"Alright," his date sighed, "Let's go face the music."


Hi! Idrc if you all liked the chapter, you read til here so...

I know I haven't updated. idk if it was a bigger gap than usual, but it felt like it. i didn't have my computer for three days so i couldn't access wattpad and i realized im seriously addicted

OHMYGOD EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!! SUNSHINE COMING OUT, LIMA'S BIRTHDAY, THE AWAY FROM HOME FESTIVAL, THE AWAY FROM HOME LIVESTREAM (that i did not get to watch) HARRY'S FIRST LOVE ON TOUR SHOW, I CANT TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I'm gonna be Harry for Halloween, so I got a copy of his Toxic People sweater and i'm super excited. I recently watched Dunkirk originally for Hazza, but it's a really good movie, interesting too. Anygays, have a fabulouis day, comment what you're being for Halloween, and I'll talk to you later my sweet creatures. TPWK<3

Instagram: sunshinytemptress
Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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