Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's POV


It had been two months.

Some of the best months of Harry's life.

Every Monday and Wednesday, he would pull Louis out of bed after showering. And if he cooed for a few minutes about how cute Lou was when he was sleeping, then it was his business.

He'd make breakfast and eat with Louis, who was always still tired and soft. Louis, Liam and Harry would part ways to go to class, Liam and Louis going to the English building and Harry going to the arts.

A few people would shoot him dirty looks or mutter under their breath, but he knew it was just because they were jealous of his friendship with Zayn and Louis. Hell, he would be jealous if someone else randomly became best friends with them.

This is what Harry was thinking about when he got back home. He immediately got a kiwi to eat, because he was so caught up in his work, lunch had gone forgotten.

"Hey H" Zayn called, "Wanna play Monopoly, Niall's been begging to play for an hour."

Harry agreed, walking into the room where all the boys except Louis sat.

Liam got out the game and set it up, making himself the banker due to "ethics issues". They started playing, Harry going bankrupt 45 minutes into the game.

He was content with just sitting back and watching Niall freak out over Zayn's insane Monopoly skills.

Some time later, Harry heard the door open, snapping him out of his thoughts. It must be Louis.

The short boy walked in, dropping his bag on a chair. He smiled and looked ready to laugh. Only then did Harry realise Niall was close to melting down.

He apparently wasn't getting Liam's murder stare.

"Hey, why don't we pack this up and watch a movie? Or eat dinner, because Lou's home," Harry tried distracting the Irish boy. "Ooh! Dinner" he perked up.

"Okay" Zayn said, still watching Niall warily, "I think it's Nialler and Lou's turn to cook, right?"

"Yeah" Louis confirmed.

Niall was an absolutely hopeless cook, so Harry hoped Louis was okay at it.

"Let's pick a movie" Liam said. They discussed the pros and cons of many movies. "I don't really like 'The Notebook'" Zayn revealed. Harry was shocked "What! Why not!" "I just think it's overused" the black haired boy amended.

Liam quickly changed the subject, suggesting they watch a new show, Never Have I Ever. It seemed interesting enough, so they queued it up and sat back.

Suddenly, the boys heard a shriek from the kitchen.

Liam led the way, only to find burnt pasta, half mashed tomatoes, and two guilty boys. Turns out Louis can't cook without extreme supervision.

Niall and Louis were quickly forgiven and the five ordered pizza. They decided to give up the T.V. in exchange for just talking.

Harry was talking with Zayn when he heard his name. "... Harry doesn't mind if he doesn't make the scene." Liam said to Louis.

"Hey, are you talking about me" Harry faked a frown. Louis responded "Just wanted to know a bit about you" with a wink.

Know about him? Why would Louis want to know about him? He was overthinking it, as usual. Louis talked to him about Niall and Liam all the time. Okay maybe twice.

"Anyway..." Niall brought him back into reality.

Later on, when the pizza was finished and the other boys were asleep, Harry got the courage to ask Louis a question.

"Hey Lou, since you're absolutely terrible at cooking, I was thinking maybe I could teach you. Just, y'know, so you won't ruin the apartment if you ever try to cook again.

 Great, insult him again while you're at it. He probably doesn't even want to be better at cooking.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that" Louis responded. He said yes! Harry was going to teach Louis I'm-so-amazing-I-almost-burnt-down-a-kitchen-and-everyone-still-loves-me Tomlinson how to cook. He couldn't wait.

"Cool" Harry smiled, "Well, goodnight" Since Louis was asleep, Harry whispered 'Loubear' at the end.

No one had to know.


Hey!! Liked the chapter?

So I met a friend (kinda friend, they're lowkey boring and more family friends) and he literally had Liam's old haircut. Like remember in like 2011, Liam used to have long-ish hair that kinda looked like Harry's, but wasn't as curly? That's exactly how the guy looked. Also, Medicine started playing from my playlist in the car and my dad was like ~into~ the guitar part so he didn't let me change it so I was like PLEASE DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE LYRICS. Also #2, I'm still crying coz Lilo were the only ones who posted on the 11th anniversary. I didn't have high hopes for Harry or Zayn, but NIALLER. Anygays, have an indescribable day, sing Medicine, and I'll talk to you later my sweet creatures.

Instagram: sunshinytemptress

Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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