Chapter Eighteen

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I really like this header and the last one (Niall) :) :)


Harry's POV


Harry was crazy excited.

And a little impatient.

He just wanted it to be Friday night already!

He busied himself with school work and drawing.

Finally, finally, finally, it was Friday.

He spent at least 30 minutes choosing a shirt. Harry even pulled Niall in to help him before he remembered he hated when Niall styled him. Maybe the Irish boy could pull off his specific style, but Harry couldn't.

Somehow, he finished dressing with time to spare.

He spent the time doing productive things. Namely, overthinking the date.

What if I'm too casual? What if I'm too fancy. What if it wasn't a date? Louis didn't specifically say "Do you want to go on a date with me." Oh no!

Well, he would just act normal, not more romantic or more..... unromantic. Wonderful vocabulary, this one.

The doorbell rung, signifying Louis' arrival. Why was he not entering like usual? Did this mean it was a date and he was being picked up?

Just. Act. Normal.

Harry speed-walked to the door and opened it. Louis looked stunning, wearing black jeans, a white shirt, and a jean jacket.

"Hey. Very gentlemanly, but no flowers?" Harry made a stupid joke. Louis grinned and said "No flower could compare to you." Harry knew he was just kidding, but it still gave him butterflies. Louis offered his arm and they walked to the restaurant.

Harry had wanted to go to Brasserie Vasshappenin for a very long time, so it was like a dream. Plus he was on a date with Louis Tomlinson.

Louis pulled out his chair, a true gentleman, and sat down himself. He let Harry order almost everything, eating whatever Harry wanted.

The two had talked before, but nothing like this. Louis was so open with him, telling Harry about his sister, Fizzy, who had died. The way the small boy's eyes lit up when talking about his family made Harry's heart melt. On the other hand, Louis would also talk about the most random questions. The waiter had just given them a basket of bread to share when he asked, "How many marshmallows would it take to kill a human?"

Harry was caught off-guard, but burst out laughing. Louis smiled at Harry's inappropriately loud laughter, lighting the room up with his grin.

The green-eyed boy was thinking how well the maybe/probably/hopefully date was going. Of course, right at the moment, he heard a familiar voice.

"Harry! Hi!"

Oh god, his ex-girlfriend Olivia. She was a bit crazy and had been trying to get back with him since they broke up. He didn't want to flat-out reject her, because he didn't know how extreme she would be.

"Uh, hi Olivia, what are you doing here?"

Get the hell, out of my date.

"Oh, you know, just treating myself since someone else won't" she giggled, giving Harry a pointed glance.


Harry knew he couldn't yell that, so he stayed silent.

"Hi, what's your name" the psycho asked Louis.

"I'm Louis, nice to meet you." Looking at his face, you could tell Louis was extremely unhappy to meet her. Harry had to get her out of here.

"Okay... Well, it was nice seeing you, Liv" he tried to shoo her away. She, unfortunately, didn't get the hint and sat down. This was getting plain annoying!

Olivia turned her entire body towards the man she already knew, effectively shutting Louis out, and started putting her hands everywhere.

Harry tried to subtly get her off, but nothing worked.

Finally, the dessert came. He thought this was his opportunity to tell her to fucking leave.

With kindness.

To Harry's, and probably Louis', dismay, Olivia started eating the cake Harry picked out to share WITH THE GUY HE ACTUALLY LIKES. She even tried feeding him!

Harry was focused on avoiding Olivia's fork and didn't see Louis stand up.

"I think I need to go, sorry, nice meeting you, Olivia. Harry..." he trailed off. Say something, please say something. "I'll see you at home."

Great, his date was ruined. It probably wasn't even a date.

"Harry!" Olivia broke him out of his depressing thoughts. "Have cake!"

She tried to feed him again, before launching off into some new story.

Harry sat there for a bit, itching to go after Louis. In the middle of her monologue, he cut Olivia off by saying, "Liv, it was great talking to you, but I should really go."

The lady pouted a bit, but left with a kiss on his cheek.

The tall boy sped to the apartment and saw that only Zayn was still up.

"Um, where's Lou?" he asked.

Zayn raised an eyebrow and responded, "In his room. Seemed pretty upset, I don't know."

Harry sighed and trudged up to his room. He needed to talk to Louis tomorrow and explain. The boy fell into a restless sleep.


Hi, liked the chapter??

So who started school?? :) :) i did, blegh. I really want to find some directioners/larries in school. i have larry stickers on my phone (iicf, dlibyh, defenceless, two ghosts, little things, and sweet creature) so i hope someone sees them. So today i was lying like weirdly and my mom was like 'you look like you should be in a james bond movie' and i went 'well well well' and i ALMOST said 'the cat doesnt talk' but that would be weird. Anygays,  have a happy day, wear something that makes you feel confident, and I'll talk to you later my sweet creatures.

Instagram: sunshinytemptress
Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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