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A/N: this is still in college, when they're living together. bye

Louis' POV


It was a dark Friday night at the club. Flashing lights threw shadows on the faces of the crowd. It was time to get wasted.

Louis, Harry, and Zayn had gone out. Liam and Niall had exams the next day and, surprisingly, Niall was studying.

The three ordered a round of shots. They danced together for a while, but soon, all of them had separated. Zayn gushing to some sorry guy who tried to flirt about his boyfriend and Harry doing god knows what.

Before he knew it, Louis was two drinks in. Two drinks? No, four drinks. Wait, five? Okay, more than six. Probably seven.

Anyway, Louis was drunk.

He was dancing, when he saw a stranger at the bar. A hot stranger. It seemed the stranger was interested in him as well, based on the look he was getting.

The blue eyed boy quickly looked around and sprinted to Zayn and whispered, "There's a hot guy looking at me! I'm gonna go flirt," before he hurried away, ignoring Zayn's wide-eyed protests about some other guy.

"Hey, hot stuff," he started strong. The stranger laughed, "Hey gorgeous."

"You wanna dance?" Louis smiled coyly. "I, uh, I think I have a boyfriend, but I already like you more." The stranger responded.

They danced to the tune of trashy club music, not paying attention to anything but each other.

It had been maybe an hour, but Louis could say he was infatuated. At some point, he remembered he had a boyfriend or something, but he didn't care.

The other man didn't seem to care about his supposed boyfriend either.

The stranger was whispering sweet nothings into Louis' ear as they danced. "Under the lights tonight, you turned around and you stole my heart. With just one look. When I saw your face, I fell in love. It took a minute, babe, to steal my heart tonight."

This made Louis blush, to his dismay and his partner's delight.

"You wanna... Go back to mine?" Louis proposed. The man nodded, putting an arm around Louis. They kissed in the cab going back and as they walked to his room.

Thank god Liam and Niall were asleep.

The next morning, Louis woke up with a killer headache. He turned over and saw the bed was unmade next to him.

Oh no.

He had slept with someone. He had cheated on Harry.

Oh. God.

How would he explain this? How could Harry forgive him? He didn't want to lose the love of his life! Harry didn't even know Louis loved him! They hadn't said it yet, but Louis had felt it for a while. He was going to lose the best thing that ever happened to him! He didn't even remember what the one night stand looked like.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache. Well, maybe that was the hangover, but it made him sick to his stomach. Okay, still the hangover.

He didn't even want to get out off bed to face Harry. The other man was gone, so he had probably met Harry. Harry woke up bright and early, even after drinking a lot.

How could they live in the same house!? Now, Louis had to move as well. Great.

Liam soon burst through the the door, making a loud bang and causing Louis to clutch his head.

"Oh, get over it," the brown eyed man teased, "I have a very important message from Zayn. He has a massive hangover, so he can't give it to you. So, are you feeling guilty about cheating on Harry?"

Louis nodded, glumly. "Good news! You didn't!"

Zayn's POV (last night)

It was almost midnight and he had only had one drink. He would usually down more, but Zayn didn't want to get drunk and kiss someone, thinking it was Liam.

He couldn't fathom breaking Liam's heart. Unlike the couple he came with, "Ziam" (Niall's term) had said "I love you" to each other.

Out of the blue, his blue eyed best friend skipped up to him. "There's a hot guy looking at me! I'm gonna go flirt!" and Louis ran away. Oh God, this is why Zayn didn't drink.

He would get drunk, forget about Liam, then make a horrible mistake.

He hadn't known him too long, but he cared deeply for Harry and couldn't see him hurt. Because of this, he made his way through the dark crowd, looking for Louis.

Finally, he found him.

Surprisingly, he burst out laughing. All of that stress for no reason.

Of course, even drunk, the only people Harry and Louis would be interested in were each other.

The "hot guy" Louis gushed about was none other than his boyfriend.

Crisis being averted, Zayn relaxed and went back for some water. Louis would definitely not remember who it was in the morning and definitely be scared.

Louis'POV (next morning)

Oh. Thank. The. Lord.

Liam gave a half sympathetic, half amused smile and left the room.

Not five minutes later, the man Louis had "cheated" with slid into his room. "So... I heard there's been some infidelity," Harry tried not to laugh.

"Oh shut it, you prick," Louis grumbled. "You're lucky I let you spend the night." "I only realized when I saw you next to me. I was ready to break up and leave the house crying," the taller one remembered.

"Well, good, you don't" Louis pulled him into a hug.

"You want pancakes?" Louis felt Harry whisper into his hair. "Such a good one night stand. Breakfast as well?"

They both laughed and ran down before Niall ate everything.


Its me a day later, I forgot to edit and it was just large paragraphs so... I did that

I still have like 12 hours :(

Liked it?

It was longer than I expected

I think it's cute

I like it better than my last one shot in my one shot book


^there's my self promo

What're y'all doing for new years?

I'm going to a friend's house :)

Well, have a WONDERFUL NEW YEARS, make a resolution and STICK TO IT (it can be really small, just do it) and I'll talk to you later my sweet creatures

Instagram: sunshineeroda
Twitter: rainbowbears8

xoxo Kiki

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