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Third Person PoV


Thats all Zoe could focus on, the notes she was working on has long been forgotten. She stared at the notes rereading them and rereading them the information blurring together.

With a huff she threw my pen to the table and ran my hand through my hair.

"God dammit, it'd be better if I just dropped out than continue to fail." Zoe groaned

Failing test after test doesn't give someone much confidence in continuing with university does it?

She glances towards her compute screen looking at the time.

"4:30," her eyes widened slightly, "fucking hell, I've been at this for almost 8 hours now, that's it, that was the final straw. I'm getting the papers to dropout tomorrow." She sighs.

With a huff Zoe stands up and moves away from her computer stretching her arms up, hearing satisfying pops from her stretches. She turns her computer off and quickly heads out of her room making sure to stay quiet.

Quickly getting ready for bed, Zoe hopes she can get at least a few hours of sleep tonight, she hops into her bed closing her eyes and waiting for the sweet darkness of sleep to take over her for the next couple of hours.


Zoe woke up at the wonderful time of 7:00 am, she got up from her bed and made her way to the kitchen to make herself some coffee.

As she walked past her office she looked at her notes scattered around her desk she sighed tired of university and the troubles it has brought her.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and sent a quick email to the administration office at her university about dropping out.

"Now what to do for the next three hours?" She looks around the kitchen while holding her cup of coffee, she took a sip and headed over to the sofa to find something to watch for the meantime.

She sighs scrolling through twitch finding no one live, scrolling through netflix finding nothing interesting to watch, when she scrolled through youtube she decided to settle on rewatching a couple of minecraft manhunts.


"Zoe!!" Avery yelled as she run out of her room, energy coursing through her veins at 10 in the morning.

Avery jumps over the sofa and onto Zoe causing the older girl to yelp.

"Ry, why the hell do you have so much energy first thing in the morning?"

Avery shrugs, "dunno, just have energy now what are we watching this fine morning?"

"You are watching nothing since you have classes in ten minutes, now go eat and get ready for class." Zoe glares at her

"Fine..." she sighs as she draws out the I, she slowly gets up and grumbles walking to the kitchen "ok mum." she mumbles.

"I'm not your mum ry!"

"You sure act like her though!" Avery yelled back as she walked to her room and sat down at her desk getting ready for her morning university classes.

After Avery started her classes Zoe got up from the sofa and headed to her office clearing all of the notes from her desk, she sat down on her chair and turned her computer on. Quickly plastering on a fake smile, she hit the go live button starting her first stream of the day.

"Hey chat! how are we doing today?" she smiles as she takes off the starting soon screen and pulls up her minecraft screen she looks over at chat seeing a bunch of 'goods' 'greats' and 'how are you's' in the chat.

"I'm doing alright chat, now let's get onto the hardcore world today I have a plan for fixing up our nether spawn, now let's get to it." She states with a smile evident in her voice, even if her chat can't see her they can always tell when she is smiling.


Well this chapter was mainly to get to know Zoe and her roommate Avery, hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, make sure you guys take care of yourselves and I'll se you in the next chapter. Also don't be a silent reader, comment, and vote if you enjoyed.

 Also don't be a silent reader, comment, and vote if you enjoyed

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