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Third Person POV

Zoe Lavern also known as Absolute Nightmare on social media smiles softly while looking at her chat, she averaged around 100k viewers a stream, and had around 800k followers on twitch alone, she wouldn't ask for a better job or community.

As she was playing hardcore minecraft for her stream she kept glancing at her phone sometimes going silent, her chat noticing but not really questioning it, if there was a message from someone about it, it got deleted by her mod team.

She sighed softly and plastered a smile on her face.

"Well, chat I think I might end this stream here, we did some good work on our nether spawn and fixed up a few things around our house." She checks the time quickly.

"I might do an alt stream later, so if you have any suggestions for what to do please vote on the poll in my tweet, if there's something else you want me to try then just comment under that tweet."

"Alright, make sure you guys eat something, drink some water, and get some proper rest, I'll see you all in later bye!" She exclaims as she ends her stream.

Zoe leans back in her chair and runs a hand through her hair, slowly getting up from her gaming chair she stretches and heads towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Zoe! Guess what?" Avery yells as she runs out of her room.

"What?" the girl questions as she turns to look at her best friend.

"I have a date tonight with this really hot girl." she smiles widely.

Zoe smiles "well when is it?"

"In an hour" she states quickly before her eyes widened, "shit it's in an hour, I need to get ready, Zoeeeeee please help meeeeeeeeeee!" The younger girl whined.

"Fine, let's find you an outfit to wear."

After about thirty minutes of getting Avery fully ready for her date, the two girls just sat on the younger girls bed chatted about different topics.

The dooorbell quickly rang and both girls got up.

"Wish me luck Zoe." The younger girl breathed out.

"Ry, you don't need luck, I'll have my phone on at all times if you need me to come pick you up, but tell me everything after your date alright." Zoe smiles softly at the younger girl.

Avery nodded, "Will do, gotta go now bye!" She quickly runs out of the flat, leaving Zoe alone in the flat.

Zoe quickly made herself some instant ramen and sat down on her couch getting ready to turn on some shitty reality tv show that was playing, when her phone starts ringing.

She sighs and picks up the phone without even looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"AYY BIG Z, HOW ARE YOU?!!! YOU SEEMED A BIT OFF DURING YOUR STREAM TODAY YOU DOING ALRIGHT?" The familiar yell of her younger cousin resonated through her quiet flat.

"Eh, I'm doing alright Tommy, did I really seem off during stream today I didn't notice anything?"

"Yeah you seemed very distracted by something during your stream you would go silent at times." Tommy stated worry evident in his voice.

"Uni's just been a lot of work so that might be why I'm distracted." She sighed out.

"What's going on at Uni that's got you like this?"

"Just trouble focusing during classes, and my anxiety is at an all time high, it's gotten to the point where I've asked my school administrator to drop out, it's just too much for me." The older girl admitted quietly.

"That sucks Zoe, it really does, it sucks that uni's gotten you to this point, but hey make sure you take care of yourself first and if that means dropping out than you do you, I'll always be here to chat, just call good ol' cousin TommyInnit over here and I'll listen."

Zoe visibly softened and 'awed' "Tommy that's so nice of you. Do you care about me?" she smiles softly.

"That's it moment ruined, you did not need to farm any awes today."

"It was actually you who farmed the awes tommy, I didn't do anything about that." Zoe smiles.

"Nah, you are lieing, anyways when are you coming over next mum and dad miss you."

"I don't know sometime soon I guess, I'm not busy all that often, and also you don't miss me?" She questions with fake hurt.

"Zoe, I call you everyday, I'm getting pretty sick of you." He states.

"Oh.. well then," she faked hurt and looked at her phone ending the call, before bursting out laughing.

A couple minutes later her phone rang again, she quickly answered it still laughing her ass off.

"WHY DID YOU HANG UP ON ME!!!" Came tommy's loud voice, which caused her to only laugh even more.

"You were being annoying so I just hung up on you." she stated after she calmed down.

"That's it I don't want you to come and visits again, stay over there in Brighton. Bye." And with that he hung up, causing her to laugh even more.

After a few minutes of calming down she got back to eating her instant ramen and watching shitty reality tv shows for the rest of the night, or at least until Avery gets back from her date.


Honestly I have no clue what to put here but, make sure you guys take care of yourselves.

I love you all /parasocial

(don't be a silent reader, comment, vote, I appreciate what you guys think of the book so far)

(don't be a silent reader, comment, vote, I appreciate what you guys think of the book so far)

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