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TW- somewhat mention of sexual harassment and panic attacks

He kept on looking a that exact same spot where the girl - no not just a plain old girl but one of the most attractive people she has ever met and come on he knows georgenotfound a man with full pretty privilege - once stood, a girl he has never talked to but is dying to learn of who she is.

"Dude, what the hell are you looking at?" the voice of his best friend Nick questioned as he looked out the window.

"There is literally nothing there Clay, come on your being weird, now as I was saying earlier I'm starving and need food" Nick complained.

"What do you want to eat? it's your first night here so we'll order something in, tomorrow we're having dinner with my family and everything by the way," Dream explains as he looks at the face of his best friend then towards where the girl once stood, before leading Nick out of his room.

"Honestly man, no clue let's just order pizza or something," Nick stated as he walked out of the room.

"Fine" Clay sighed, before grabbing his phone and ordering the pizza's.


Zoe smiled timidly as she walked past the various workers in Ikea grabbing some furniture that she could easily bike and bring into her home on her own, not wanting to have to go through the anxiety of asking people for help.

As she walked around the large maze like store she found different decorations that she liked, so she added it to her cart and carried on through out the store.

Once she found all of the furniture she wanted to get in person and the various decorations Zoe headed towards the front of the store to pay.

"Never seen you around here before, you new?" an unfamiliar voice asked from i front of her as he bagged her decorations.

"Yeah, I'm new to the area" she replied quickly.

"That's cool, would you like a hot tour guide to show you around all of orlando? it's a beautiful place if you have the right person to accompany you? Don't you think beautiful?" His smirk visible from under his mask, and the wink after his questions was prominent.

"Uh- no thank you I'm good" Zoe replied as she fiddled with her rings clearly uncomfortable by her body language.

"Come on beautiful just you and me out on the town, I can show to all my favourite spots" he proceeded.

"No, thank you, really I'm good," she smiled awkwardly underneath her mask, she quickly payed for her things and started putting them back in her cart.

"Come on pretty don't you want someone that's equally as hot as you standing on your side at all times?" He smirked and walked around the counter to help put her things away in her cart.

"No, seriously take the hint, I'm not interested." Zoe persistently stated, as she finished loading her cart.

"swell if you decide to change your mind, my numbers on the back of your receipt. Give me a call one of these days." He smirks and goes back to the cash register to help the next customer.

Zoe looked down, she closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath trying to calm down her breathing before she has a full blown panic attack in the middle of an Ikea store. She quickly headed out of the store and started loading her things into the rental car, her hands shaking everything she picked up.

She hopped into her car quickly after dropping the cart off, pulling her mask off her face, she leaned back in her seat closing her eyes and taking multiple deep breathes.

"In." she breathed "out." she sighed out "your alright Zoe, nothing bad happened just some asshole who can't take the hint bothered you, your fine." The girl muttered to herself.

She took another deep breath to calm her shaking hands before she headed to the grocery store to buy herself some groceries so she has food.


Pulling into her driveway, Zoe could see her two neighbours sitting and chatting in the front yard. She quickly hopped out of her car and headed to the front door unlocking it before starting to unload her car.

Dream looked at Zoe as she moved her things from one location to another, he wanted to go up and introduce himself, but he didn't want to seem like a weirdo or be too forward.

"Yo, Clay let's go introduce ourselves to our neighbour, maybe she needs help?" Nick questioned as he got up from the grass in front of him.

"Nick, do we really need to?" Clay questioned

"Yes." was the only response clay heard as he saw his friend walk over to the new neighbour. He reluctantly got up and followed.

"Hey there, I'm Nick, and this here is my friend Clay, we are your next door neighbours!" Nick introduced the two of them with a wide smile on his face.

"Oh, um," Zoe looked between the two, then looked to the things in the boot of her car, "I'm Zoe" she smiles softly.

"It's nice to meet you Zoe, where you from? You don't sound like your from around here." Nick probed on.

"I'm actually from Britain, so yeah not from around here." The girl replied with a soft chuckle.

"Uh, your voice sounds familiar, have I heard you from somewhere before?" Clay finally speaks up.

Zoe's eyes widened a bit, "Uh, probably not, I have a fairly common voice I've gotten that a lot though." She smiles softly, "anyways, sorry to cut the introductions short but I have to finish putting this stuff in my house, I'll see you around."

"Uh would you like some help carrying things in?" Nick questioned quickly.

"No, I think I'm good, thanks for offering though." She smiles as she grabs the rest of the things in her boot and hurried into her house eager to set everything up and organize the things she bought.

Hello, sorry for not uploading schools been absolutely terrible, haven't been able to have much free time recently.

Take care of yourselves

I love you all/parasocial

I love you all/parasocial

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