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Two Month Time Skip

"ZOE!!" Came a booming voice from the recently picked up call.

"What Tommy?" she grumbled groggily, sleep still evident in her voice.

"I just wanted to say hi, to my beloved cousin, how are you on this fine day? Also did I wake you up? if so sorry" The young boy rambled on.

Zoe laughed airily "Yeah you woke me up but I needed to get up anyway, you streamed earlier today how was it? Sorry, I couldn't get in chat and moderate just been having a hard time falling asleep since I got here." She sighed.

"It's alright you didn't moderate in my chat, but you okay, have you been taking your meds?" He quickly quieted down and worry was evident in his voice.

"Yeah, but I'm almost out so I have to find a new therapist and psychiatrist here in Orlando." The girl mumbled sleepily as she moved around her room grabbing clothes and everything, her phone was on speakerphone so she could hear her cousin.

"Alright, we'll please make sure you get an appointment booked soon, also please do the research on the therapists and psychiatrists, I don't want something worsening your health Zoe. I genuinely care for you, you are quite literally my best friend"

"Aw does tommy care about someone?" Zoe cooed in a baby voice(you know those voices people talk to babies with, yeah that kind of voice), she ended her sentence with a laugh.

"Fuck you Zoe, I'm just worried about my cousin, she moved to an entirely new country and is living alone, your friends from America aren't even in Florida!" He retorts.

"So your telling me that you need to come and stay with me for a while? Why? What happened Reid talk to me?" Zoe questioned her younger brother while sat on facetime with him.

"Can I tell you when I get to you? I really just want to talk about this in person Zoe" the young boy looked down.

Zoe could clearly tell the boy was uncomfortable, and just wanted to see her in person again.

"Alright, Reid, I'll buy you a ticket," she clicked on her computer pulling up different tabs, "does a flight in two days work or do you want one earlier?" She looked to her phone questioningly.

"Uh, the earlier the better" he nodded quickly.

"Okay then, there's a flight tomorrow at 4:30pm your time does that work? I'll send you the flight information and everything, how long will you be staying for do you know?" The girl quickly bought the ticket and sent the information to her younger brother.

"I was hoping I could stay there until I graduate from school, there's a reason I just want to tell you in person like I said."

"Okay Reid, I'll pick you up when your flight lands tomorrow is there anything else you need?"

"No, not that I can think of, anyways thank you Zoe for this." He smiles meekly.

"Dude don't sweat it, I'm your big sister of course I'll be here for you." She smiles widely.

"Bye Zoe, see you in a bit" Reid smiled before waving and ending the facetime call.

Zoe sighed, "god what did our parents do to him?" she mumbled to herself as she walked out of her room heading to leave the house for her various doctor's appointments she had booked for the day and for the next few days. This was going to be a long week.

Hello everybody! how are you guys doing? hope your doing well and taking care of yourselves.

I love you all/parasocial

make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves.

make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves

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