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Over the next couple of days, the two siblings were still getting comfortable and getting everything set up for Reid.

Zoe had streamed the day after picking up Reid like promised, but made sure that if he needed her she would be there to help him.

Currently the two were sat watching a georgenotfound livestream as per Reid's request.

"You know, George said that he was in Florida on stream yesterday." Reid stated as he kept his eyes trained on the tv screen in front of him.

"Really?" Zoe looked down at her younger brother.

"Yep! Do you think I'll be able to meet him? Like I just walk around Florida and boom I see Georgenotfound standing right there!" He smiles widely while laughing.

The girl slimes as she looks at her brother smiling and laughing, "Hmm, maybe, I don't know Reid, Florida is a fairly large area, but I'm not gonna say that it isn't possible, its just that it's highly unlikely."

He smiles, "Welp, I can still hope that maybe one day I can meet him" He looks at his older sister.

"You know if you want to meet him, you could just ask Tommy right, I mean he is on that server with him." Zoe explains as she looks back at the tv.

"Yeah I know, but I wanna meet him authentically, not through our cousin who is a child."

"He's older than you" Zoe deadpanned.

"Yeah but he's still a child!" He laughed as he turned back to the tv to continue watching the stream.

Zoe laughed airily, as she got up from the couch and headed towards the front door.

"Reid, I'm gonna head out on a walk, you alright alone?" The girl questioned as she pulled her shoes on and grabbed her jacket and keys.

"Yep!" He replies back quickly not tearing his eyes away from the stream.

She smiles and heads out the door, locking it on her way out. She looks down at her phone as she walked down her driveway.

"Hey! Zoe!"

The girl lifted her head from where they were looking at the ground to where the voice came from, her eyes locked with her next door neighbour Clay. She smiles and waves to him while walking over.

"Hey, Clay, how are you?" Zoe questions.

"Oh, I'm good, you?" He smiles at her

"I'm well." she smiles back.

"So I saw you at the airport the other day and noticed you were picking someone up, you don't have to tell me who though I'm not that kind of person. Also I'm not a stalker I was just picking up someone from the airport as well." He laughs and sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.

Zoe laughed airily, "Yeah, I was picking up my younger brother, he moved in with me, due to some unfortunate circumstances, and don't worry I noticed you at the airport and didn't think you were stalking me." She smiles.

Clay smiles and laughs, "if you don't mind me asking where are you going?" He looks at her quizzically.

"Just planning on going on a walk around the neighbourhood, I realized that I haven't really been around the neighbourhood all that much despite living here for a while." The girl explained, "You can join if you'd like? I wouldn't mind the company." She smiles.

He smiles, "Sure, I'd love to join."

The two headed off out into the neighbourhood, getting to know each other even more than the two had known each other since beforehand. The two ended up walking around and staying out for five hours just walking and chatting away.

"Shit" Zoe pulled her phone out as she got a call, the two stopped walking as she looked at the caller ID. "Do you mind if I take this? It's Reid."

"Go ahead." Clay smiles reassuringly.

She smiles as she quickly answers the phone, "Reid what's up?"

" Where are you? You said you were gonna be gone for a SHORT walk it's been five hours now!"

She laughs softly, "Sorry, I lost track of time, I was talking to Clay he's our neighbour I'm sure you've met him before." The girl explained.

"No, I've never met this Clay person, anyways when are you getting back? I'm hungry and want to food."

"Well you should meet him later since he is your neighbour as well, anyways you can make food yourself or even order it if you wanted to."

"But I don't wanna" The young boy whines through the phone.

"Reid, seriously, you can either order or make your own food I trust you enough in the kitchen to not set the house on fire, and to not cut yourself with a knife." She reasons.

Dream placed his hand on his mouth to stifle a laugh, just hearing Zoe's side of the conversation at that moment made him laugh a little.

"Fine, I guess I'll figure something out, but be back soon, I also want to meet whoever this Clay person is later on."

"Alright, bye" The girl laughed softly as Reid ended the call, she smiled.

Zoe put her phone back into her pocket, "it seems that Reid wants me home, should we start heading back?" She looks up at Dream for a response.

He nods, "yeah let's, I'm sure that Nick and George are probably going crazy at the moment, since I told them that I was just going to take the trash out then left for five hours." he laughs.

The two smiled as they walked back to their individual houses. The only thing that was in their minds at the time was 'damn, I'm really falling for this person that I've barely known for a few months now'.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I plan on updating every four days, but it might be more than that, it's just everything with school and work is terrible right now so my schedule is quite wack.

I love you all/parasocial

I love you all/parasocial

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