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Zoe sighed, "finally done with getting everything together" she looked around at the living room and dining room that were finally completed and stocked full of food.

She quickly headed upstairs to her office which has her streaming setup in it, quickly setting everything up and clicking the start stream button, setting up her starting stream music she quickly headed to her fully stocked mini fridge and grabbed a monster energy drink.

As the music slowly got quieter she pulled her microphone towards her face and unmuted it.

"Hey, hey, hey chat how you guys doing today? Hope your doing well I know I am!" she smiles widely despite not being seen.

"Sorry I haven't streamed in a couple days, I have been in the process of moving and have finally finished unpacking everything, still waiting on some soundproofing to come in the mail over the next few days. So the office still isn't fully ready yet, but hey at least I'm streaming!" she exclaims.

"Anyways, we are going to be playing some minecraft tonight, and doing some chill QnA, ask questions in the chat and I'll do my best to read it all!"

LillyValley donated $50.00:
Where did you move to if you don't mind me asking? Is it somewhere else in the UK?

"Oh I actually moved to America, not going to say which state but now I live in America" she laughs softly, "but yeah, also thank you for the fifty dollars that's a lot of money LillyValley."

The stream carried on for three more hours, the girl answering questions while building in her hardcore world on minecraft and just having an all around good time.

After her stream Zoe got up from her desk stretching her tense muscles and heading out of the office, going across the hall to her bedroom to grab her clothes and have a shower.

She grabbed her phone and set up her music shuffling her playlist, then hopping into the shower and reflecting on the events from today.

Zoe was broken from her thoughts as the beginning of e-girls are ruining my life started to play, the girl jumped and practically screamed from the dramatic change in music from listening to Experience by Ludovico Einaudi to Corpse Husband.

"jesus, gonna have to tweet this one out, the fans will love this." she laughed to herself as she got out of the shower and getting change into her pajama's.

Absolute Nightmare | @/AbsoluteNightmare

Just was chilling the shower and reflecting on the events of today, while listening to Experience by Ludovico Einaudi only to be fucking scared by E-girls are ruining my life by my good friend @/Corpse_Husband. Thanks for the scare man, anyways goodnight everyone and see you guys for the next stream!!

10.5k 💬 1.6k 🔁  15.7k❤️
Corpse | @/Corpse_Husband

Sorry for the scare there Nightmare, didn't mean that hope your alright there my friend, also we should stream again sometime soon.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, it was written at 3:00am and I have been running on three hours of sleep anyways, take care of yourselves.

love you all/parasocial

love you all/parasocial

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