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Over the course of four days after she got the news of her getting the place, Zoe had already packed up all of her things and started sending them down to florida, her plan was to head down to see her cousin today, and spend the night there before leaving for her flight the next day.

Quickly looking around her bedroom for the last time she smiled softly, this room had a lot of memories both good and bad, no matter what she was going to miss this room and this flag in general.

"Alright Ry, I'm heading out" The taller girl said sadly as she headed out of her room and towards the front door.

"Hey, I'm gonna miss you, you better not forget about me while your in America." Avery smiled softly and walked towards the taller girl pulling her into a hug.

"Of course, I could never forget you, my first roommate, and my bestfriend, you've been here for me for so long, I'll text you when I board my flight tomorrow, I won't be on my phone much while spending time with tommy."

"Have fun, I'll talk to you later, now go before I try to keep you here." Avery laughed sadly while wiping a stray tear.

"Hey, don't cry, I'll talk to you later Avery, goodbye for now." And with that Zoe headed out into the uber and headed towards the train station.


With a huff zoe grabbed her two bags out of the back of the uber and headed up the porch steps. Knocking on the door she waited patiently.

"One moment!" Came the faint voice of her aunt.

After a couple of seconds the door opened and out came her aunt who smiled widely at the sight of Zoe.

"Oh Zoe! I didn't know you were coming, come on in, come on in!"

She was ushered inside quickly by her aunt, who had grabbed her luggage.

"Why did you bring this much luggage and how long are you staying for dear?"

"Oh, um I'm only staying for the one night, and the luggage is because I'm moving, My flight is tomorrow." She smiled softly as she played with her rings.

"Really?! Where are you and Avery heading to?" Her aunt asked as she started making lunch.

"Oh it's just me, and I'm heading to Florida, I needed a change of scenery somewhere away from all of the bad memories that have happened." She explained.

"You gonna be alright alone?"

"Yeah I think so, say wheres tommy I would like to tell him about my plans" Zoe questioned.

"He should be in his room, he's on someone's stream currently, so just make sure you keep that in mind if you go up there." Her aunt warned.

"Alright, thank you, I'll be down in a bit, I might not tell him while he's on stream and save it for later but I'll at least go and say hi." She stated as she headed towards tommy's room.

knocking on the door, she heard a faint "Don't come in mum I'm busy!" from the other side, causing her to let out a soft laugh before knocking again, after waiting a bit and not getting a response the second time she opened the door and just stared at him until he noticed.

After about a minute of just staring at him tommy turned around, not expecting to see Zoe standing there he jumped out of his chair and screamed loudly, causing the people in his call to laugh and ask what that was about.

"GOD WOMAN YOU CANT JUST STAND THERE AND STARE AT ME MENACINGLY WHY CANT YOU SAY SOMETHING, AT LEAST WARN ME WHEN YOU ARE PLANNING ON VISITING!!" Tommy yelled out in a hurry, causing everyone else in the call to continue laughing but with a hint of confusion.

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