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Zoe paced around the living room, she ran through everything in her head multiple times. How Clay was going to meet Reid, and how she was going to confess her feelings for him, god that one was the one she was scared of most, what if he rejected her? What if he thought she was weird because she likes him despite them knowing each other for only a few months. What if he decides that he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if he chooses to move away because of her feelings? What if-

Zoe's rampant thoughts were cut off due to a knock sounding from the front door, her head snaps toward it then towards the clock.

"Shit, it's already noon?" she mutters before taking a deep breath, "coming! one moment!" She heads towards the front door, resting her hand on the handle.

She unlocks the door and opens it with a smile, "hey!"

"Hi!" Clay smiles widely, as he slowly entered the house.

He looks around at the open floor plan of the house, it was similar to his own but different, Zoe made her house look more cozy and homey compared to his where he didn't really decorate the main floor, it was just like he bought it.

"Your house is nice" he looks down at the girl as the two walked into the living room.

"Thanks" Zoe smiled softly, "here you can sit, I'm gonna call Reid down, god knows that kids probably playing bedwars again." She laughs as she walks towards the stairs.

"Reid, come on down, Clay's here!" She yells up the stairs, when no response was heard she groaned as she walked up them heading toward his room.

She girl opened the door as he jumped turning around in his chair, headphones rested on his head.

"Jesus Zoe, couldn't you knock for once?" The younger boy questions.

"Yeah, we'll Clay's here and you wanted to meet him so, come on and get downstairs." The girl states.

Reid groans as he gets up exiting out of his game, he follows her down the stairs, the two walked into the living room and sat down on the couches, Zoe sat beside Clay as Reid sat in an arm chair.

"So, Clay, you've been spending a lot of time with my sister recently haven't you? I mean just the other day you went out on a five hour walk together. What are your intentions with my older sister man?" The young boy glares at the older man sitting across from him.

Clay laughs, "We are neighbours and I hope we're friends, I could just be reading this wrong you never know." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Alright then, Clay, tell me a bit about yourself, like what do you do for work? that kind of stuff." Reid questions.

"Uh, well I work in coding so I work a lot with that kind of stuff, um I live with my two best friends that I've known since I was a kid, and I enjoy playing games I guess. I don't think there's anything else really." He laughs.

Reid nods, "Hmmm, interesting what are your friends names? your voice sounds familiar and your name being Clay just makes it seem even more familiar."

Clay's eyes widened a tiny bit, he inhaled sharply as he looked at the two.

"Um, my friends names are George and Nick" he answers hoping that Reid didn't pick up on anything and that it was just a mere coincidence.

Reid looks at him skeptically, "Okay, we'll it was nice to meet you Clay, I'm gonna get back to playing bedwars." He gets up and keeps his eyes on Clay as he started to walk away.

"We'll then, Sorry about him, he's being weird." Zoe laughs as she turns to look at Clay.

"It's alright, I guess he's just looking out for you or something, now um, you texted me yesterday that you had something to say to me?" He looks at her.

She smiles and nods, "yeah, yeah I do have deo thing to say, um" she took a deep breath.

"Take your time for whatever it is" he smiles warmly at her.

She looks at him, "so um, Clay, I like you, like as more than just a friend, I- god I never do this" the girl laughs as she puts her head in her hands not wanting to look at him, "um, yeah I like you as more than a friend, and if you don't like me like that then i hope we can still be friends, or if you don't want that then I'm sure I could find a new place to move with Reid and I, I could completely lose all contact with you and you wouldn't have to hear from me or see from ever again, if that's what you want." She rambled on as she looked down.

"Hey, look at me, please" Clay places his hands on hers as he moves them away from her face, "please"

She shakes her head, "if your going to reject me, please do it now, I can't look at you if I know your going to be rejecting me."

Clay lifted her head, "please just look at me, I'm not going to reject you, just please look at me Zoe."

The girl looks up "your not?"

Clay smiles softly and shakes his head, "no, no I'm not going to reject you, I actually wanted to tell you something similar, I like you too Zoe." He smiles at her.

Her eyes widen, she smiles Clay places a hand on her cheek, the two leaned towards the other and kissed, it wasn't like something you hear about in movies, but to the both of them it felt like home, it felt warm. The kiss was disrupted by a knock on the front door, the two separated.

Zoe sighs as she stands up, "I'll get it."

She walks tow the front and opens the door, Clay watched her from the couch a smile on his face.

"Hey! so Clay said that he was coming over, and I was wondering if he was still here? We kind of need him for something." Nick smiled at the older girl.

"Uh, yeah he's still here, let me get him," she smiles as she walks away from the door and into the house.

"Clay, your friends are at the door, they said they needed you for something."

He pouts, "but I don't wanna leave yet."

She smiles, "come on, after you help them with whatever they need, you can come on back, I promise okay."

He sighs before getting up, "fine."

Clay follows the girl to the front door, "I'll see you later then."

She nods, "yeah, see you later."

Clay smiles as he walks out of the house beside Nick and George.

The girl smiles as she closes the door, she heads to her office going to stream for a bit after everything that happened today, she was happy, she was glad that she had confessed how she felt toward the guy she liked, she was happy.

Hope you guys enjoyed! that's the end of 'Love Like This', I'm gonna create a series of books about the DSMP, that are all connected, so tell me who you'd like to see in the next book.

I love you all/parasocial

I love you all/parasocial

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