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During the rest of the day Tommy and Zoe were at a park close to tommy's house, the two were just sitting and talking about a bunch of random things (mainly, streaming, the uk, and funny moments between the two).

"You know, I'm gonna miss these unexpected visits." Tommy stated as the two were heading be ai to Tommy's house it was getting late and they just went to a restaurant to eat.

"I'm gonna miss showing up to your house unannounced as well, they are always fun but I'm gonna have a lot of fun and new experiences in America."

"Also, I promise to visit as soon as possible, it won't be right away but I'll try to come visit." Zoe looked towards the younger boy with a smile.

Tommy smiled and headed up the steps to his house opening the door for the two to go in.

"Goodnight Tom, I'll see you in the morning." She smiles as she heads up to the guest room to get ready for the next day.

Tommy sighed before heading to his room, and sitting down at his desk immediately hoping on to the dream smp discord seeing everyone in one vc together, he quickly checked if anyone was live before joining.

"hello everyone!" he exclaims as he enters the vc making his presence known.

everyone in the vc laughed, stating different forms of greetings.

"Tommy, where have you been i've been texting you for the past two hours man!" Tubbo yelled into his mic.

"Sorry tubs, I was with my cousin you met her earlier, we were hanging out for her last day before moving." he apologizes.

"Your cousins moving?" Tubbo whined, "But she's so cool, I want to talk to her again!!"

"I mean, she leaves tomorrow, maybe i can see if i can give you her discord or something so you can talk to her more." Tommy muttered as he leaned back in his chair.

"Really!?" Tubbo's eyes widened.

"Yeah, i guess I'm not gonna ask her now because she's getting ready for bed but yeah i'll ask."

"Wait a minute, can we go back a couple of steps? Tommy has a cousin?" george questioned.

"Oh, my cousin Zoe came in today while i was on tubbo and sapnap's streams today and so tubbo met my cousin, along with sapnap, ranboo, wilbur, dream, fundy, and phil I believe." Tommy explained, "anyways I just wanted to hop on and say hi, i'm gonna head off because i want to be with my cousin when she heads to the airport in the morning, talk to you all later."

a chorus of goodbyes and good nights rang through the vc as tommy left, he sighed as he got up and got ready for bed, not really ready to say goodbye to his cousin the following day.


Sorry that this is a fairly short chapter, and that I haven't posted in a while, I was gone somewhere with my family for a week and a half, and we didn't really have any wifi and when we did only so many people could be on it at once. anyways take care of yourselves.

I love you all/parasocial

I love you all/parasocial

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