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The drive to the airport, was quiet, there was no laughing no tommy making jokes about everything, just silent. Zoe wanted tommy to just crack a small joke just to calm her anxieties a tiny bit, she just wanted that small sense of familiarity for one last time for god knows how long.

"Hey, Tom" the older girl turned towards her younger cousin.

"Yeah?" he looks up from his phone towards her.

"I just wanted to say that I'm gonna miss you, I'll miss the sporadic family dinners that you would invite me over to without your parents knowledge, I'm just gonna miss everything." Zoe looked down at her fingers, trying her hardest not to cry, they were about three minutes away from the airport.

"I'll miss you too, I'll miss having you over or you and Avery coming over and kidnapping me for the day or weekend just to have fun." The blond haired boy smiled widely.

"Alright Zoe, we're here." Zoe's aunt said softly.

The group all got out of the car, grabbing her luggage from the boot, Zoe looked at Tommy before pulling him in for a hug.

"I'll talk to you soon Tom." She whispers.

Tommy smiled into his cousins shoulder before pulling away from the huh, "I'll talk to you soon big Z." He smiles widely.

She smiles, before saying goodbye to the rest of the family, she grabs her luggage and heads into the airport ready for this next stage in her life, not fully ready but hopeful to see where it takes her.


That's a lie, she already hated it, as soon as the plane took off into the air, she immediately regretted her decision this was her first time fully deciding that she will go somewhere she's never been and figuring it out on her own, I mean sure she did go and do a year abroad in Russia, but there she had a friend to help her with everything, now she's alone and just wants to be with her family again.

Keeping her head down and staring at her phone, she turned up her music to hopefully distract her from the fact she just made this huge life altering decision.

Leaning back she looked out the window exhaling softly before closing her eyes, listening intently to the soft beat of her music before drifting off to sleep.

Sorry for not updating recently, School has started and has been kicking my ass, I had stuff going on with my health, and all of my relationships have been going downhill in the past three weeks, but I've been trying to write as much as possible to hopefully get something out.

Make sure you all take care of yourselves,

I love you all /parasocial

I love you all /parasocial

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