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Zoe groaned in frustration as she laid awake in bed. It was currently around four am and she couldn't sleep, her thoughts going a thousand miles per minute.

With a huff she sat up in bed, heading out of her room she quickly headed towards her office.

"I need a new change of scenery this place has been linked with so many bad and stressful memories, so time to move." The girl muttered to herself as she clicked around on her computer.

Moving to somewhere else in the UK would be nice but she's practically seen every place in Europe a couple of times each, so somewhere not in Europe is her best bet.

As she scrolled through the different prices for places in different countries she contemplated if she was actually making a good decision or if this was just another impulsive insomnia related action she was doing. These were common occurrences, the various fake plants and useless amazon gadgets littered around her and avery's shared flat.

Her eyes immediately caught onto an extremely nice house in orlando, Florida, somewhere where she has never been but has heard so much about, the young girl always wanted to go to Florida specifically Disney World and Universal, but she has never had the chance to go. Maybe this could be her chance, turn over a new page in her life, by leaving Europe behind and moving to the states.

She smiles widely and booked a online meeting with the realtor to see the house at 3 pm later that day, now she just has to wait.


Waiting multiple hours for an online meeting for Zoe's dream house definitely made her anxiety spike a lot, she hasn't even told Avery or even Tommy about her plan on moving. Her plan is to tell them after the meeting.

She had changed her outfit about ten times just to find the right outfit to seem somewhat professional for this virtual meeting. With Avery out of the house at work for the next four hours she quickly headed towards her office palms all sweaty from her nerves.

She plastered on a fake smile as she quickly answered the call.

"Hey there! you must be Zoe" The lady smiles on the other side of the screen.

"yep, that's me" Zoe smiled widely.

"Well let's get started on this tour!" the realtor's overly enthusiastic voice chirped.


After about two hours of talking to the realtor the meeting ended, Zoe put up an offer at the end of the meeting with a huge smile on her face.

"ZOE IM BACK!!" The taller girl quickly headed out of her office and ran towards Avery.

"woah, slow down there, something good must have happened today. Oh did you finally get laid after your two years of solidarity?" The shorter girls eyes widened.

"no, i didn't get laid or anything, but um, how do i put this." Zoe stammered and looked down, wow she didn't expect this to be so nerve wracking.

"just spit it out Zoe."

"um I want to move, get a change in scenery."

"That's great Zoe! Where to?" the shorter girl smiled widely.

"Florida"  Zoe responded.

"But what about school zoe?"

"um, i dropped out, about four days ago, it was too much for me, but you can always stay here so you don't have to drop everything and move entire countries, i'll be fine."

"Are you sure Zoe?" the shorter girl looked at her best friend.

"I'm 100% sure about this, I already put down an offer and they plan on getting back to me sometime soon on if I got the place or not, I plan on going to visit tommy just before I move, so I can spend time with him before who knows how long I'll see him again with covid and everything." Zoe laughs slightly.

Avery smiles widely , "I'm happy for you Zoe, and just so you know if you ever decide to come back or miss being here, I'll be here to let you have a place to stay."

The two girls hugged before heading to the sofa to throw on some shit reality tv show, while hanging out.

Hope you guys enjoyed this episode don't worry dream will be incorporate in the story soon enough.

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I love you all / parasocial

I love you all / parasocial

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