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Zoe groaned as the plane started to land, her neck was all stiff from lying down in the same position for eleven hours, to say that she hated flying was an understatement, but to say she hated flying for more than five hours was even worse.

As soon as she was able to get off the plane she grabs her carry ons and headed off the plane, quickly heading through customs and grabbing her suitcases.

Quickly calling for an uber to get her to her new house, she waited and sat down on her suitcase.

"NICK!" a vaguely familiar voice yelled.

"CLAY!!" another vaguely familiar voice responded.

Zoe looked up for a split second, only to spot a glimps of a brunette male running towards a taller blond male not that far away from her. She sighs before looking back down.

A honk from in front of her alerted her of her uber, looking up she spotted the grey car parked in front of her. Getting up and grabbing her things the driver popped open the boot.

"Zoe Lavern?" The driver questioned softly.

"Yep, that's me" she smiled awkwardly behind her mask.

"You're not from around here are you hon?"

"Nope, I'm actually from England." she responded as she hopped into the back seat of the car after making sure all of her luggage was in the car.

The drive to her new house was mostly silent except for the soft hum from the radio, when she reached her new home she hopped out of the car, helping pull her things from the boot of the car to her house.

After everything was inside she waved to the uber driver and made sure to give her a five star rating, heading inside she started to unpack.


Two hours into unpacking her things she got a call, getting up from her position in her room Zoe hurried to grab her phone from the bathroom where she had left it.

"Hello?" she answered without looking at the caller ID.

"ZOE! HOW US EVERYTHING OVER IN THE BIG US OF A?" the familiar voice of her cousin rang through the phone.

"It's alright, currently unpacking everything." She smiled softly, as she walked back to her room to continue unpacking her clothes.

"So, have you talked to your neighbours yet?" Tommy asked softly.

"Nope, I got here about two hours ago and I have currently only been unpacking my things, well the things that have already been sent over. The rest of my things are being shipped over as we speak, and then after I unpack what I currently have here I'm going head to ikea and furniture shop, then hopefully soon I can get an actual car instead of using a rental that's going to be dropped off in about ten minutes." The older girl rambled on about her plans for the next little while.

"That's cool, do you want to me to be on the phone with you while you go furniture shopping? Also make sure to go grocery shopping sometime tonight so you have food to eat okay." Tommy softly spoke.

"Yeah I'll make sure to go." She smiled softly at his caring words of her usually loud cousin.

She stood up fully sighing turning towards the window that was facing one of her neighbours houses she noticed the same tall man from the airport standing there and talking to the smaller brunette looking as excited as a little kid on christmas. She smiled.

"Alright Tom, I think they dropped off the rental car, so I'm gonna head to the stores now you wanna stay on call with me? I know it's getting late there so I don't want to be a bother."

"Yeah I'll stay on call, but I might fall asleep, I have college in the morning." He replied.

"Alright." She laughed and shook her head at his antics turning away from the window and heading towards the car.

She failed to see the tall man from the airport looking out his window watching as she leaves the room.


Sorry for not uploading, to be completely honest I forgot this book existed for a moment, hopefully I can find an uploading schedule that I can possibly stick to.

Anyways make sure to take care of yourselves.

Love you all /parasocial

Love you all /parasocial

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