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"Goddammit I hate love, why is it such a hard thing to experience and understand? It's so fucking harsh!" Zoe screams into her pillow, as she plopped down onto her bed.

"Uh, everything okay in there Zoe?" Reid knocks on the door and looks through the opened door.

"Does it look like everything's okay Reid?" She mumbles.

He laughs as he walks over to the bed, "Let me help, after all I am the love expert, I know everything about love." He smiles widely.

"How the hell did you know it was about love?" She looks up quizzically.

"Uh, You kinda screamed it, so that's how, but also no one gets like this for just anything, it has to be love!" He smiles as he jumps up onto the bed.

"Reid, you don't know a single thing about love." Zoe deadpanned.

The younger boy laughs, "oh dear sister, I know so much about love, I have knowledge on love that you could never comprehend." He looks at her.

She glares, "Fine if your such an expert in love, then help me with this problem. And before you speak I'm gonna talk about what's going, so just ok." She takes a deep breath.

"So I have practically fallen in love with someone who I have just recently gotten to know even more, and he's so cool, and smart, and amazing, but I hate the fact that I fall in love so fucking quickly, it's a problem." She looks down as she fiddles with her fingers.

Reid nods and smiles, "so you caught feelings for our neighbour, I see, well shoot your shot, I'm sure he feels the same way about you, but i have to meet him to make sure that he's a good fit for my sister." He responds.

"Okay, I'll bring him around sometime tomorrow then, but how did you know that it was our neighbour?" Zoe looks at him.

"I guessed, but you just confirmed it." He smirks as he gets up and leaves the room.

"Dude, stop pacing the entirety of the living room, calm down, and tell us what's going on, we're here for you, your our friend Clay." Sapnap looks at the taller male that was walking back and forth.

"Yeah, we'll try to help or we can just sit and listen whatever you need in this moment." George states as he puts his phone onto the couch, after previously being on it.

"Fine then," Dream huffs before taking a deep breath and raking his hands through his hair, "I think I like our neighbour, I'm pretty sure I do but honestly I don't know, we have just barely started to getting to know each other better than before, and now I'm falling for her like a teenager in high school." He rambles as he starts to pace again.

"Yo, dude your catching feelings for our neighbour! But anyways, Dream go and shoot your shot, I'm sure she feels the same way you feel, just go for it." Sapnap reasons.

"But what if she doesn't? what if I make a fool out of myself because I confess my feelings for her and she only sees me as a friend?" Dream frantically looks between the two situated on the couch.

"Clay, stop worrying and just do it, I'm sure you can stay friends with her if she doesn't feel the same." George states as he gets up and places a hand on dreams shoulder.

Dream breathes out and nods, "yeah, yeah, okay I'll do it, I'll do it tomorrow." He nods again before quickly heading to his room to create a plan.

"Tomorrow?!" Both George and Sapnap yelled at the same time.

"Welp, dream's gonna be the only one in the dream team to have a relationship after this." George laughs as he grabs his phone and heads to his room, sapnap sits back down on the couch and resumes the anime that he was watching.



Zoe 🥰❤️
hey Clay, I was wondering
if you were available to come around
to my house some time tomorrow?
Reid really wants to meet you, and I
have something to tell you as well.

Yeah, does tomorrow at noon
sound like a good time for me to
come on by?
I can't wait to meet Reid as well
from what you have been telling me
of him, he seems cool.
Also should I be worried about this thing
you have to tell me?

Yeah noon sounds fine! :-)
also, you don't have to be worried
about what I have to say.
See you tomorrow then. :-)

See you tomorrow :-)


"Okay, he's coming around noon tomorrow Reid, make sure you are awake so you can meet him." Zoe stated as she leans into his room from the doorway.

Reid was situated at his desk with his gaming pc loaded up with minecraft.

"Mhm, yep, I'll be awake" he doesn't even look away from the game, "come on, one more hit, one more hit, one more hit, FUCK YEAH GOT 'EM!!!" He jumps up and pumps his fist into the air after winning a bedwars game.

Zoe smiled, "good job, Reid, make sure you get ready for bed soon though, also your going to be enrolled in online school soon, so make sure you have whatever you'll need." She reminds him as she walks away.

"Yep got it!" He yells back clearly not paying attention to what she had said.

The girl shook her head as she walked into her room, hopping into a call with Tommy and starting on editing a VOD for her VODs channel.

The two cousins chatted away fro a good few hours, marking the time around 3:30am for Zoe.

"Tom's I'm gonna head off to bed now, it's late here, also make sure you get some sleep as well, I'll call you later." The older girl smiled.

He nodded, "yeah, talk to you later Zoe, bye!"
and with that the call was ended between the two, they both headed off to sleep.

Zoe fell asleep to thinking of how she was going to tell Clay, and how she really had fallen for him.

Dream had fallen asleep that same night thinking the same things as her.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Also I just wanted to say that the streamer I mentioned a few chapters ago RedMoon is really cool, I quite enjoy her content, so if you like BoomerNA's content you might like her's, she's also loud and plays bedwars on stream, but she does play other games as well. Anyways I'm gonna stop on this promo for this streamer I like if you want to check her out her twitch is RedMoon_Live.

I love you all/parasocial

I love you all/parasocial

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