Shinkami - Prom problems

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"Aaah!" yelled Kirishima as he got roughly pulled into a random classroom on his way back into the main hall. It was finally their first-year prom, and he was already late enough. To be fair, he did get there on time. He arrived with Kaminari. But then Denki just suddenly sprinted away, so the red-haired teen went after him and has been looking for him for the past hour.

"Kirishima, help!" wailed Denki, grabbing onto his arm and dramatically flinging his arms about.

"Okay! Okay, I'm here. Calm down, bro. What do you need?" Kirishima asked, panicking slightly at the pure fear seemingly embedded in Kaminari's soul.

"Great, so I need you to - now, pay attention here - tell me something. Something really important," Denki said, whispering like a conspiracist.

"Yeah?" questioned Eijirou, confused.

"You're a gay man, so you like men, right?" Not waiting for an answer he ploughed on, "So, on a scale of one to ten, how good does Shinsou look? Honestly, from one to ten."

"What?" laughed Kirishima, starting to think that this is a joke.

"Well?" demanded Kaminari, showing all signs of being serious.

"Um, I don't know. I didn't see him. An 8? Why?" Kirishima asked, confused.

"Just cause," retorted Kaminari, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Oh, I see," Kirishima said, realising why Denki has been acting weird.

"What? No, you don't. There is nothing to see!" the blonde squeaked back, wincing at how unbelievable he sounds. Especially when his voice cracked on the last syllable.

"Okay," laughed Kirishima, "so you're not in love with-"

"Am I interrupting something?" a new voice suddenly called. It was surprise surprise, Shinsou.

Flushing red, Kaminari hoped he hadn't heard too much. "What did you hear?" he asked.

Raising an eyebrow, Shinsou was about to answer when Kirishima shouldered past him. "Good thing you're here! Kami wanted you- your help. He wanted your help. Bye!" he called, rushing down the corridor.

"No, I don't! Haha, don't worry you can just go," said Kaminari leaning against a table to try and act cool. When the whole thing toppled backwards and he landed on his ass, Denki internally sighed at how unsuccessful his attempts at being cool always was.

"Okay, but I don't want to," Shinsou replied, also coming into the room and shutting the door after him.

"What? Why?" Denki asked, confused.

"Because the prom is boring, and Bakugou is already 'fighting' with Midoriya. It's also too loud," answered Hitoshi.

Nodding in agreement, Kaminari felt himself relax slightly when he thought about his loud, blonde friend. "They are in love," he laughed, blushing slightly when he saw the purple-themed man in front of him smile in agreement.

"Mm. I just wish they would get over it instead of interrupting everyone else's day with their silly fights," Shinsou laughed, hopping onto a desk. He watched in amusement as Denki copied him, although the blonde sat cross-legged instead.

"True. The amount of bets we had placed on their relationship the past year is mental. Uraraka especially. She is hoping to win," Kaminari grinned as he remembered the big get-togethers their class had to discuss the two troublesome teenagers. Even Iida participated, although they were forced to listen to a 10-minute lecture of why this was wrong every time.

"Hmm, yes, I have heard about that. I never thought it was true, though," admitted Shinsou.

"Yeah, it is," an awkward silence ensued during which Kaminari tried his hardest to think of a witty joke or remark to impress the guy. When he finally thought of something, it had taken so long that Hitoshi was the one to break the silence.

"Why are you here? I saw you come in and then sprint away after a minute," he asked.

"Oh, you saw that. Uhm, it's nothing. I just, ya know, just, umm... It doesn't matter! Why are you asking, we're you worried for me?" Denki tried to change the subject although by the displeased look on Hitoshi's face it wasn't working. Regardless, it was dropped.

"Whatever," sighed Shinsou.

"Aww, c'mon man. Were you?" continued Denki, hopeful.

"Don't worry about it. Now, do you want to continue annoying me and be left alone or can we drop it?" Shinsou threatened.

"Yeah yeah," laughed Denki, feeling pleased. He didn't have solid proof, but hey, a boy can dream, right?

"Anyway, does anything interesting ever happen in your class? Other than the usual?" asked Hitoshi, wanting to talk with Denki but not sure what about.

"You mean other than villains wanting to kill us or classmates blowing stuff up or painfully obvious crushes? Nah, not really. How about you?" Kaminari joked, glad that Hitoshi seemed to want to talk to him.

They continued in this fashion for the next couple of hours, missing their whole prom. After the initial awkwardness, they seemed to not be able to stop talking, forgetting any embarrassment that they may have felt towards each other. Throughout the whole night, Denki retained a firm flow of flirting. He made many dirty jokes and attempts at making the other blush. Unluckily for him, Shinsou seemed to be just as determined to make Kaminari embarrassed. It became a sort of challenge. A challenge that Denki lost by a long shot. You see, the blonde was used to being the one to compliment and flirt with people. He wasn't used to anyone paying him any attention from a romantic perspective. Especially, people he liked. So each time Shinsou cracked a sexual joke or winked or complimented him, he felt his face go red.

Anyway, the two boys would have loved to continue until sunrise, but Kirishima interrupted them. The man hadn't been too worried as to whether they would be okay with each other, he just didn't want them to be found by a teacher and subsequently get into trouble. So he split them up and walked with Kaminari back to their dorms.

"And then they snuck off and didn't come back! They clearly hoped that we would think that they were fighting, but no explosions or loud yelling was heard. So obviously-" Kirishima was busy telling Denki what happened during the night but the blonde was too busy thinking about Shinsou. Lucky for them, Eijirou was more than happy to just talk.

"You were wrong," Denki suddenly interrupted Kirishima when they were outside his dorm door.

"Sorry?" Eijirou asked, confused where he suddenly went wrong.

"He wasn't just an 8. He was a full 10, even more," and with that said, Denki shut the door in Kirishima's face.

Completely flabbergasted, Eijirou stared at the door for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what Denki was referring to. Suddenly, the events came flooding back to him about what happened before he left his friend with his crush. Of how his friend asked his opinion on how Shinsou looked. Laughing softly, Eijirou left for his bed. Smiling, the sweet teen hoped that his friend would end up with his crush and that they would be happy. But for now, all Kirishima was worried about was going to sleep after a long day and was looking forward to teasing both Denki and Katsuki tomorrow.

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