Shinkami (slight) - The 10 Mistakes That Started The Cat Fiasco

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To start, Hitoshi was never really interested in pets. He found them overwhelming and demanding and too much trouble.

But then he started to hang out with Kaminari. Mistake number one.

The blonde started small, telling him that he was surprised when he saw that he had no pets. When questioned, Denki told Shinsou that he always saw him as a cat person. Confused at that, it left Shinsou evaluating his whole life and demeanour as to why he had been associated with owning a cat. Kaminari also wasn't helping by pointing out little quirks of his (that he never really noticed, to be honest) that pointed to him concluding that Hitoshi Shinsou was a crazy cat lady at the ripe age of 16. These messed with poor Shinsou's head.

Then he let Kaminari bring Sero along on their hangouts. Mistake number two.

Denki quickly introduced the tall man - to Shinsou's dismay - to his theory about Hitoshi being a cat person. To his horror, Sero wholeheartedly agreed without a second thought. That brought about another existential crisis. To be fair, Denki and Hanta shared one brain cell most of the time, so it shouldn't have been a surprise that whatever one thought the other echoed. So now two people were constantly showing him his cat-like tendencies or whatever.

Then Aizawa accidentally showed his class a picture of his cat from when he was younger. While the pro-hero didn't own a cat or any sort of pet anymore, it still fueled Sero and Denki (mainly Denki) about their theory. Accidental mistake number three.

It was common knowledge that both he and Eri were under the care of Aizawa and Mic. Nobody, not even the ragtaggle family of four, was quite certain as to how this happened. Especially as Aizawa and Mic were not only heroes but teachers. Nonetheless, they were more than happy. And it usually helped that Shinsou was a near copy of Aizawa and Eri was more similar to Yamada than not. But this was a hindrance in this one case, as the two boys from 1A then formed more ideas as to how Hitoshi was a catty (as they had taken to calling cat people to save them from repeating cat people every few seconds). If Aizawa was a cat person, had owned a cat at some point, and Shinsou was like their teacher, then Shinsou must be a catty and be in desperate need of a cat. Hitoshi took to avoiding them sometimes when they got this hyper.

Mistake number four was agreeing to let Denki go out with him to town (as friends, he keeps having to remind himself) to hang out there.

Taking advantage of the situation, Kaminari quickly distracted Shinsou enough so that he wouldn't realise that he was dragged into a cat cafe. By the time he did, it was already too late. So he spent the next hour or so being surrounded by the damn animals. Secretly, he loved every second. He loved petting their ears and stroking their backs. He loved hearing their soft purring. He loved watching how entitled they all were, demanding all of the attention but only when they wanted it. He could go on and on about everything he loved about them, but then there wouldn't be enough room in this chapter. While he tried to hide his goofy smile at these adorable animals, Denki was more than aware. The blonde liked secretly watching Shinsou secretly love the cats. The rest of the day was equally cat-themed, although it was more plush cats instead of actual ones.

Thinking back, mistake number five was Shinsou buying a plush cat on the next day he snuck back into town.

While he was out with Denki, Hitoshi had seen the most gorgeous, big plushie in the shape of a black cat. Oddly enough, the cat had a small yellow lightning bolt on his stomach and bright yellow eyes instead of the usual green. Shinsou had instantly fallen in love, and not because it reminded him of Kaminari. Not at all. Later on, he was pleased to find out that not only was it on sale but that the owner was willing to hold on to it for a week or so. Although Shinsou did have the money on him, he knew that if he bought it with the blonde he would never hear the end of it. So he settled on buying it while he was alone as quickly as he could. Soon enough, Hitoshi slept with the cat every night, comforted by its presence. But this didn't mean anything. He was NOT a catty.

Mistake six was not keeping his doors locked.

One morning, Denki just strutted in like he owned the darn place, screaming at Hitoshi to wake up. Tumbling out of bed, Shinsou didn't even have time to think about hiding the cat before Denki had spotted it. The blonde lunged for it, and as Shinsou had predicted, spent the entire day making fun of him. Not because he slept with it, it was no secret that our darling lightning bolt slept with more plushies than most people own, but because it was in the shape of a cat. Thankfully, Denki didn't tell Sero. He knew that Shinsou would be embarrassed, and didn't want to push it.

Shinsou couldn't even control mistake number seven! It was his birthday!

News has gotten around quickly in the school that everybody must buy Shinsou cat-themed stuff. Hitoshi was convinced that Denki threatened people for it to be this successful. Everyone, and he means everyone, who got him a present made it cat related. Even Eri! He had never felt so betrayed by his sister. She was even dressed as a cat by Mic. He had probably been recruited in an English class by Denki fucking Kaminari. Aizawa was his only saving grace, getting him instead some books for school, food, money and a sleeping bag. Or at least, he should have been his saving grace for not the small cat embroidered on the inside of the otherwise perfect sleeping bag. Shinsou glared at his laughing parent once he realised that he wasn't even safe from him. But it did mean that he was surrounded all day and even after that by cats. Every time he moved around the room he would find some sort of gadget that was related to that, and their begging and big eyes started to mess with him. He found himself smiling whenever he looked at one of them instead of scowling.

But fate kept going against him as mistake number eight was soon after.

He had made the mistake of eating a suspicious brownie that Sero offered him. Due to his inexperience, even such a small dosage got him a little high. Not as much as Denki and Sero were, not even close, but enough that Hitoshi loosened up and went along with stupidity. And it seemed that today's topic was cats. Damn cats and his friend's annoying stubbornness. Somehow, they got onto the topic of cat ears. How they were triangles. How perfect they were and how not enough people appreciated it. Anyway, once he got off of his high and finished beating Sero's ass about tricking him, Shinsou was still left with the thought of ears and cats and triangles.

Mistake nine was quick to follow in the form of his weak will.

The thought of having his cat and admiring their ears and paws and everything else was often on Hitoshi's mind. So much so that he finally caved in and phoned Aizawa. He had to beg the tired man for days for him to relent, although Aizawa's stubbornness quickly melted once he got Eri involved. Not to mention Mic was more than supportive of their now shared want. And the thought of having another cat after he had lost his helped Aizawa in his choice. Although that did mean that the teacher ended up glaring at the two boys (mainly Denki) who had started this thing.

A not-so-bad-mistake rounded his whole chain of events up to 10. Shinsou finally getting his cat.

After conversing with the school and bending the rules a little, Shinsou was allowed a cat. Of course, he had to follow strict guidelines, but he had one nonetheless. A pretty white cat with the most mesmerising purple eyes, a nice contrast from his favourite plush. When Denki found out he howled with laughter and smugness at proving to be right about Shinsou and his love for cats. He was promptly kicked out and wasn't allowed to return until he calmed down. Sero was very quickly told, and even he was more than happy to gloat about how easy it was to get Shinsou to realise his destiny to become a crazy cat lady. They were both banished while Shinsou adamantly told them that this was all their fault.

But not even he could keep his happy smile off his lips, and the two idiots were allowed back to pet his cat soon enough. A name was decided, and all was good. It also gave Denki an easy excuse to be around Hitoshi more, not like the taller man minded in the slightest.

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