Shinkami/Bakudeku - Blind Dates And Accidental Dates

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"Hey, Hitoshi," Kaminari called, running over to the sleep-deprived, purple-headed boy.

"Ugh, hello," Shinsou replied, looking unamused that Denki was once again annoying him. Denki faltered slightly at the response, before shaking it off and slinging his arm around Shinsou.

"That's no way to speak to your friend," teased Kaminari light-heartedly.

"I don't have friends," Hitoshi bit back, shoving Denki off of him. Before the blonde could reply, Kirishima called him over. Kaminari left, giving Shinsou a wink.

"I hate those 1A brats," Monoma commented, appearing out of nowhere behind Shinsou.

Stopping himself from swearing from surprise, Shinsou just made a non-committal grunt, wishing loud and annoying blondes would just leave him alone. As if the Gods heard his wish and wanted him to suffer, Bakugou was making his way towards him. "Oi, eyebags!" he yelled, glaring at Monoma, "I need you to go to the front gates on Saturday morning at nine."

"Why would he do that?" Neito accused, his nasally voice piercing those around him like needles.

"Fuck off, it's not about you," Katsuki snarled. He hated having to talk to these stupid extras, but that damned Deku forced him. It was for Pikachu 2.0, and despite what he may pretend, Bakugou was willing to interact with these idiots for those nerds.

"Why should I care about what a mutt like you says?" Monoma continued, smirking evilly at him. Neito had wanted a fight all day, and Katsuki was perfect for this. But the usually fight-ready man wasn't going to bite. Instead, he glared at Neito, before shifting his attention back to Shinsou.

"Why do you need me there?" Hitoshi asked.

"Just be there," Bakugou replied, before storming off.

Shrugging, Shinsou made a mental note to do so. He didn't necessarily like Bakugou, but Shinsou knew that the fiery blonde would never approach him like this if it wasn't for a good reason. Mentally turning off his brain, Hitoshi tried not to get too annoyed with Monoma's voice constantly battling everyone and everything for his attention.

Soon enough, Hitoshi was dragging his feet across the school grounds, regretting getting up this early. When he finally got to the gates, he was more than unimpressed to not see anyone there.

The next second, Kaminari was sprinting towards him. He nearly crashed into Shinsou if he hadn't slammed his feet into the ground like anchors. Once Denki had taken in a couple of gulps of air, he seemed surprised to see Hitoshi.

"Sorry that I'm late. Why did you want to see me? Have you realised how much my charm has affected your life and come to confess your love?" Denki laughed, although his former question was genuine.

"Me? Bakugou told me to be here. I thought you had something to do with this," Shinsou drawled, voice sounding bored. He purposefully ignored Kaminari's teasing.

"Oh, well, I'm not really sure what to say," Denki admitted, smiling awkwardly. He knew that Mina or Sero had something to do with this. And if Bakugou was the one who told Shinsou, Midoriya was also definitely involved. Hell, probably even Kirishima. The betrayal, he thought. Even his best friend was probably in on this!

"Not surprised," muttered Shinsou. They stood in awkward silence for a couple of seconds before he spoke again, "Well, I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep. Do you want to just go to town while we're here? I wanted to buy a couple of things, anyway."

Denki seemed to light up in front of him at the idea, causing Hitoshi to suppress a smile. "Sure! I'd love to, bro," Kaminari said. But he couldn't stop himself from adding, "I thought you didn't have any friends, though? Going to town together seems like a very friendly thing to do."

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