Bakudeku - Is This Really The End?

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@Official_Tiger gave me the idea, so all credits to them! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry, it took so long!

Includes death, a slight description of gruesomeness.

"Shut up," Bakugou muttered to Midoriya before he even got the chance to start speaking.

Miffed that his friend was being mean, but reluctant to stand up to him in case they stopped being friends, Izuku wandered off and tried to talk to another little girl. He did eventually get her to speak, which Midoriya was very happy about. But it seemed to have been the wrong thing to do, as Katsuki seemed to be in an even bigger sulk afterwards.

"Go away!" Katsuki yelled, pushing Izuku.

Staring at him with wide eyes, Midoriya felt tears form in his eyes. Ever since it was obvious that he doesn't have a quirk, Bakugou got meaner and meaner. He even stole his only other friend, who was now sneering and laughing cruelly at him. Hurt beyond belief, Izuku ran away feeling betrayed.

He felt in his heart that this is only the start, that things were only going to be worse. What did confuse him was that the next day the little girl who had turned on him was all alone, as Katsuki had dropped her. Soon enough, she was transferred to a new school, as nobody would talk to her. The rest of the class always followed Katsuki, so if he didn't talk to her nobody else did. Midoriya, on the other hand, didn't talk to her for a different reason. He wasn't about to be friendly with someone like her. She had hurt him enough.

"You're so useless! You Deku!" screamed Katsuki, throwing stuff around the abandoned classroom.

Cowering in fear, Izuku instinctively put his arms around his face in defence. For some reason, that halted the wreckage that Bakugou was doing. He stared at the little boy in front of him, who had taken to flinching whenever he was around. For some reason, a little spike of pain shot through him, piercing his heart. He dropped the book in his hands and stormed off.

Once he was sure that Katsuki was gone, Midoriya uncurled and started to weep. It wasn't fair. Once he was done, he decided to clean up the mess as best as he could before rushing home. He wished their teacher hadn't had made them work together. Izuku much preferred it when he was alone.

"Fuck off, and don't act like you know me," Bakugou glared at Midoriya.

Nodding, Izuku walked off. Clutching his bag, he wandered the hallways, completely lost. Try as he might, even after all of these years, he wished Bakugou would go back to being his friend. It would certainly help in situations like these, as Katsuki always seemed to know exactly where he should be and when. Middle School was going to be fun, Izuku thought sarcastically.

"I hate you, Deku!" Katsuki shouted, explosions aimed at Izuku.

Running away, Izuku tripped. But the adrenaline from the pure fear coursing through his veins meant that he didn't fall.

Watching his departing back, Bakugou smirked in satisfaction. The stupid nerd deserved it for following him around like a creep. But despite that, he glanced back once more while he was walking in the opposite direction, desperately hoping he could spot the green hair. It confused him, so Katsuki ignored it, instead choosing to push over some idiotic first year stood in his way.

"If you want a quirk so bad, why don't you just take a swan dive off the roof, maybe you'll wake up with one in your next life," Katsuki laughed cruelly, before stalking off.

Feeling his heart shatter and break into a million pieces, Midoriya looked at the fence surrounding the roof for a second too long. Shaking his head, he felt fresh tears streaming down his cheeks, an automatic response to every spiteful word Katsuki said even after so much time. He stumbled down the stairs, not noticing the watchful eyes of Bakugou. Katsuki almost went after him but decided against it. No use showing weakness, a rule his mother had ingrained in him since he was five.

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