Bakudeku - The Best Birthday Izuku Ever Had

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Restlessly, Izuku tapped his shoes impatiently on the ground. His birthday party is due to start any second but Izuku was always the impatient sort. To his relief, however, a knock sounded on the door the next second. Leaping up, he opened the door with vigour to the grinning face of Uraraka.

"Uraraka!" Midoriya said, embracing the girl.

"Deku-kun! Happy birthday!" she called back, just as excited. Letting go of each other, the young girl shoved a massive bag overflowing with presents at her friend. She had gone overboard with presents this year as every time she had "borrowed" Endevours' card (with Todoroki's help).

"Thank you, but you didn't have to," said Midoriya, grinning widely.

"Don't be silly, of course, I did!" Ochako laughed, walking into the room.

Midoriya had begged Aizawa to be able to use the classroom as a makeshift get together. It was better than trying to fit their class in one dorm or trashing the living room. Aizawa put up a slight fight but mostly just so he could say that he did. Izuku had spent most of the morning and early afternoon decorating the room and buying snacks and such. His mum sent over a couple of things which helped, but Midoriya wanted to do this alone.

Anyway, his hard work paid off as their classroom was unrecognisable. The desks and chairs were mostly stored away, and the ones that did remain were piled high with an assortment of food and drinks. In the centre was a cake that Inko made herself. Around the room a load of fairy lights were hung, with many different designs, to give a nice atmosphere. If that wasn't enough, there were extra comfortable bean bags and seemingly random chairs placed in a corner where people who were feeling overwhelmed could sit. But the main area was just a vast open space where people could stand or dance. There was a makeshift DJ booth set up and a disco ball hung in the middle of the ceiling.

Uraraka looked about in wonder, amazed at how Midoriya was able to do this by himself. "It looks amazing, Deku-Kun. How did you do all of this by yourself?" she asked.

"Oh, it was nothing," Izuku answered, blushing slightly.

However, the next second there was another knock. This time it was Kaminari and Kirishima at the door, both giving their classmate presents. This theme continued for a while, with more and more of Midoriya's classmates showing up. Izuku waited until most of the class showed up before starting some music. However, that role was quickly stolen by Jirou who had made a playlist for Izuku. And, of course, Momo was there, chatting with her girlfriend.

The whole class had a lot of fun, enjoying the way they could all be together without it being work-related. However, despite this, Midoriya was distracted. He kept glancing at the door, hoping for a certain blonde to show up. He was so distracted that he ended up missing most of the fun. Even when they were cutting the cake he kept looking up in case Katsuki was going to burst through the door any second.

In the end, around 9 pm (Aizawa had said that if they stay any longer they would get in trouble), when Izuku was saying goodbye to all of his friends, he wished Bakugou would have come. It left a bad taste in his mouth that only Bakugou was able to cause: a bitter and twisted disappointment.

"Some things never change," he muttered, feeling empty. Every year since he could remember he had always invited Katsuki to his birthday parties. Even through Middle School when Bakugou would make his life a living hell. Yet every year he was saddened. But Midoriya is nothing if not optimistic.

Sighing, he wrapped a piece of cake that he had saved and started the short walk back to his dorm. His arms were loaded with some of the presents he had gotten, and on multiple occasions, on the way back he nearly dropped them. Every time he caught it last second and had a minor heart attack.

Once he struggled through the front door, he made the final journey to his dorm. He only took a couple of steps when a well known "Oi!" shattered the silence around him.

"Kacchan?" Midoriya asked, not a single note of bitterness sounding in his voice. He always was too forgiving.

"Come with me," Katsuki demanded, turning on his heels.

"Uh, okay," Izuku said rushing to keep up. Eventually, he caught up and the two teens walked in silence. Midoriya was tempted to ask where they were going but decided against it. His question was soon answered anyway when they were stood in front of Katsuki's dorm.

"Um, Kacchan, why are we here?" Midoriya asked, not being able to contain his curiosity any longer.

"Just, come in," muttered Katsuki, opening the door.

Looking around, Izuku felt his eyes widen when he saw presents, a pizza, and a cake that said 'Happy birthday, Nerd'. Dropping his stuff as carefully as he could, he squealed and jumped at Katsuki, "Aw, Kacchan you remembered!"

"Ugh, get off!" Bakugou moaned although he didn't make any effort in getting the man off of him.

When he was done squeezing the life out of Katsuki, Midoriya presented him the cake which he still had a strong hold on ever since he left the 1A classroom. "Here, Kacchan! I saved you a slice."

"Tch, I didn't need it," but despite his objections, Bakugou took it from Izuku and put it on his desk.

They settled on Bakugou's bed, and they started on the pizza. Despite being around for food for the whole afternoon, Izuku was so preoccupied with waiting for Katsuki that he didn't end up eating a lot so he was quite hungry.

Putting on a film, Bakugou wisely chose an All might-themed one. It was a new one, and both boys were mesmerised. Despite that, they demolished the pizza before moving on to the cake. Katsuki was about to reach for some plates after handing Izuku cutlery, but when he turned back the green-haired boy had already eaten a part of the cake. Shrugging, Bakugou did the same.

Once they were finished, the litter was quickly shoved to one side and they got more comfortable with only a little issue.

They ended up watching two more films before Izuku got up to leave for his dorm. Luckily for them, they were located right next to each other so Midoriya didn't have to go very far. They were both standing by Katsuki's door awkwardly, neither knowing what to say.

"Thank you for this."

"Sorry for not going to your party."

It seemed that the two boys wanted to get their confessions out of the way instead of leaving. "It's okay, you were probably just busy," Midoriya said, already having forgiven him.

''No. I was just embarrassed to go," Bakugou admitted, finding it easier to do so when both their faces were hidden in the dark.

"Oh. Well, it doesn't matter. You made up for it and I had a lot of fun," Izuku said.

"Deku, I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Izuku replied, yawning.

"Oh, uh, okay," Bakugou said, closing the door as he wasn't sure what to do. Suddenly, before he could close it the whole way, Midoriya stopped him.

"Kacchan, can I ask for something, since it's my birthday?" he asked, hoping to any God above that he doesn't get his face blown off.

"What?" Katsuki yawned, feeling the effects of staying up a lot later than he usually does.

"Can I get a kiss?" Izuku rushed out, feeling his face burn bright red.

Bakugou was quiet for a good couple of seconds which creeped Izuku out and he quickly stuttered, "Of course you don't have to. It's just that I really like you and I was just hoping. But it's okay if you don't like me back it's not a big deal and oh I regret asking now-"

He would have continued stuttering had Bakugou not suddenly pulled him in and kissed him on the lips. It took Midoriya a second to realise what was happening before he kissed back with just as much vigour. They stood there, making out for a good minute or so before they parted and Katsuki instantly shut his door between them.

Thus, Izuku was left gaping at the door, confused. Suddenly, he grinned and nearly screamed in pure happiness. Instead, he went to his dorm and promised himself to talk about this with Bakugou tomorrow. For now, he was just going to enjoy the memory of having the blonde's soft lips on his.

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