Bakudeku - Free verse Poetry

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Once again, Katsuki was stuck in a boring lesson, staring out the window. The blonde was not known for being distracted from his task, especially during classes. But it has been happening more and more in the past couple of weeks. In fairness, Bakugou had a lot to think about. Not only is his work getting more and more difficult, the constant flow of villains meant that Katsuki wasn't able to take as much time revising over his notes as he would have liked.

Regardless, the most prominent thought that constantly lingered on Bakugou's head was of a certain green-haired boy sitting behind him. See, Katsuki never was the romantic type. Throughout Middle School, he was occupied with either studying or terrorising Izuku. In elementary, Bakugou was busy becoming the Queen bee and leading Midoriya. He didn't have time to blush and giggle at random people like all of his followers seemed to have at one point.

And he was perfectly fine with that. Honestly. So when his heart suddenly seemed to race and his skin felt uncomfortably hot in the presence of his childhood friend? Acquaintance? Follower? - Katsuki was never sure what to call him - he was confused. So he did what he had always found easiest to do, ignore or fight with Midoriya. But his feelings didn't just sort themselves out, so Bakugou just kept pestering Izuku, hoping that during one of their brawls they would. This became a vicious cycle, which resulted in All might have to talk to them as their rivalry caused such an inconvenience to not just their classmates and teacher but to the whole school.

Despite all of this, Bakugou wasn't thinking about Midoriya or school or even villains. He was thinking about the weekend. It was one of those weekends, where their whole class was able to go home. Some of them, due to personal reasons, weren't able to go home. But the majority; including Bakugou and Midoriya; did.

Whenever he went home, most of the hours were spent arguing with his mother. Or in his room doing his homework. But every Sunday before he left to go back to school, Bakugou and his dad would cook a meal together. It was one of the only times that the two males were together by themselves surrounded by a calm atmosphere. Each time, they cooked something different. Usually Japanese food, but they did try and experiment with other cultures; Indian, Chinese, Spanish, even some Eastern European foods.

It was wonderful and Katsuki wouldn't give it up for anything. This time, he's hoping to make goulash and some chimney cake to go with the Hungarian theme. While Bakugou isn't a big fan of sweet things - which the chimney cake was - his dad had more of a sweet tooth. So, to keep it fair, they often did a spicy main meal with a sweet dessert.

Smiling to himself as he visualises how much fun he's going to have, he nearly has a heart attack when his name is suddenly called. "Mr Bakugou," grunts Aizawa, annoyed that he was being ignored.

"Yes?" asks Katsuki, hoping he won't get in trouble. He doesn't need his mother to find another excuse to yell at him.

"Pay attention. You have to write a free verse poem, I don't care what about so long as it's ten lines minimum and isn't inappropriate," Shouta continues, before snuggling into his sleeping bag. He was teaching English, which was usually Present Mic's class. But the loud blonde was sick as he hadn't taken Aizawa's warning and went out without a jacket. This meant that his cold was passed to Eri, who then gave it to Shinsou. Shouta probably would have gotten it had he not been immune to everything due to how disgusting his sleeping bag and scarf was. Every grey cloud has a silver lining, right?

But back to Bakugou. The boy scowled heavily as he looked down at a blank piece of paper. What does he even care enough about to write 10 lines about? Glancing out the window again, his eyes focus on a tree. Its leaves were bright green. Green like a certain someone's hair... Blushing slightly, Bakugou started to write,

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