Monoshinkami - A Typical Day With A Purple Boy And His Two Blonde Boyfriends

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"Monoma Neito!" screamed Denki, charging up the stairs. Groaning in defeat, Shinsou got ready for another long day. Thankfully, he was already on his second coffee, so neither of his boyfriends were in danger of being hurt.

"You touch me and I'll end you and your entire bloodline!" screeched back Monoma, running down the stairs with Kaminari closely behind. Hitoshi wasn't sure what they had done to annoy each other today, but he wasn't sure whether he wanted to find out either. Often, it was better to just not know.

"I'll do more than just touch you, you slimy little toad!" Denki retaliated, slowly catching up to Neito. He didn't seem it, but Kaminari was insanely fast. It surprised nearly everyone when they first find out, although with a little examination it makes sense. And examining him was one of Shinsou's many specialities.

"Kinky!" Monoma laughed, suddenly switching tactics and hurtling into the living room towards Shinsou. Worried about his drink, Hitoshi quickly gulped it down before dropping his cup as Monoma was flying towards him in a second. Landing in his boyfriend's lap, Neito tried to hold on to him in defence.

Not wanting to harm his beloved, Denki roughly crashed into the sofa so he didn't ram into them full force. Taking a second to collect himself, Denki quickly recovered and attempted to pry Neito from Hitoshi. Both blondes were yelling, although their words slurred into one as Hitoshi calmly tried to separate their voices from his little bubble of comfort. As much as he loved the two, Shinsou knew that he would go mental if he even tried to keep up with their petty conflicts. But, despite his efforts at trying to remain the mature one, Hitoshi was getting irritated. Silently sneaking his scarf out from its hidden position, he quickly had them both tangled up and silent as they were gagged with the fabric.

Glaring at them for not having grown out of their childish fights, Shinsou heavily sighed before slowly unwinding them from their enclosers. "Why are the both of you so adamant in causing me so much frustration? So early in the morning as well?" Hitoshi grumbled, satisfied at the sheepish look on their faces.

"Sorry," they both murmured, avoiding the other's gaze.

"What even is the problem?" Hitoshi asked, unamused.

"It was him! He stole my stuff again!" Denki exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger in Monoma's face.

"Moi? Taking your things? I think not!" Neito argued although both could see his hidden smirk.

"See! Tell him that if he wants to use my stuff then he should just buy his own," Denki protested, his arms flailing about. Ducking with practised expertise, Hitoshi wasn't surprised when it sparked off another disagreement. Deciding to save his sanity and just make himself another cup of his special drink, Shinsou left the quarrelling pair. Soon after, he was joined by a now calm blonde while the other one went to get a shower.

"What did you take this time?" Hitoshi asked, unsurprised when a blush entered Neito's face.

"Absolutely nothing," he denied, avoiding his knowing eyes.

Shaking his head, Hitoshi couldn't keep the smile off of his face as he watched Monoma slowly get more flustered. "Don't give me that," he giggled, turning away to finish his beverage.

"Fine, I borrowed his jumper. And his fluffy socks. And possibly his choker," Neito pouted, wincing at the laughter emitting from Shinsou.

"So you stole all of his favourite things. Why?" Hitoshi wondered, leaning against the counter and carefully watching Neito flounder for an answer.

"You know why," he settled on answering, defiantly glaring at his boyfriend.

"Mm, no. I'm not aware of your reasoning behind sneaking all of Denki's belongings. Am I meant to?" Hitoshi teased, wanting Monoma to admit his true motive.

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