Bakudeku - Snow and games

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"Mum, look!" shouted Izuku excitedly. His mum walked over, laughing at his childlike excitement. She ruffled his hair.

"I know. It's magical, isn't it?" Inko sighed, looking outside. It had snowed overnight, and the streets outside their apartment were completely covered with white snow, children, and footprints.

"Can I go outside?" begged Midoriya, not wanting all of the good snow to be gone.

"Go ahead," agreed Inko. As much as she loved her son, whenever he was home for long periods like during winter, she liked it when he left for a couple of hours so she could clean the house without distraction.

Smiling, Izuku rushed to get dressed in warm clothes so he wouldn't freeze. He already had a plan. He would build as many snowmen as he possibly could. But as all of the areas in front of his home was already crawling with people, he would try walking over to the next street, where fewer people were usually. Soon enough he was crunching snow under his wellies and walking. As he had predicted, much fewer people were around, and he got to work.

He was able to build two snowmen before a well-aimed snowball crashed into his face. Wiping off the snow, he looked up and was unsurprised to find Bakugou glaring at him. Smiling, he got up to greet him, "Kacchan! What are you doing outside?"

"None of your business! But the old hag forced me. What are you doing here? You don't live here," accused Katsuki, walking over to where Midoriya was busy putting the finishing touches to his snowman.

Grinning at him, Izuku stepped back so they had more space between them. "It was snowing and I came out! But too many people were around where I live, but I know that not many people usually come here, so I came here. Do you want to play with me, kacchan? We can have a snowball fight!"

"Tch, as if I want to have a snowball fight with a crybaby nerd like you," however, despite his harsh words, Katsuki was already leaning down to build as many snowballs as possible.

Rushing over to a clearer area, Midoriya quickly got to work. Using some of the tactics he learned in training, he had a full pile in a couple of minutes. But before he could attack, Bakugou beat him to it. Once again snow was lobbed at his face full force. Spluttering, he retaliated, and they had an intense fight. By the time they were finished, the area around them was messed up, and they were both panting with their cheeks painted pink from the cold and exercise.

"I won, shitty Deku," panted Bakugou.

"No, you didn't!" protested Midoriya, although his voice fell on deaf ears as the next second Bakugou face planted into the snow. Shaking his head, Izuku followed his lead after walking closer to him. Even during Middle School, the two boys had some strange truce when snow was involved. Bakugou wouldn't hurt Midoriya, as he was having too much fun. Not like he would ever admit it, but Izuku knew without any verbal confirmation.

Flipping over to his back, Katsuki started to move his arms and legs to make a snow angel. Midoriya didn't bother, as he needed another second to catch his breath. But then Bakugou got up and made some slight alterations to his. He added some horns and pointed tail, with a spiked, three-pronged pitchfork. Looking down in amusement and pride, he looked at Midoriya still resting. Kicking him, Katsuki smirked at him, "Why are you doing, still lying down? Are you this weak? Can't handle a bit of fighting?"

Groaning, Midoriya knew that his resting time was over. Staggering up, he smiled at Bakugou, "Yeah, yeah. Come on, kacchan, do you want to help me make a bunch more snowmen?"

"To make an army of them?"

"Sure, whatever you want!" Izuku agreed enthusiastically, nodding along. Watching as Katsuki rolled his eyes, Midoriya knew that that meant he would. They got to work, and soon enough a dozen or so tall snowmen were standing proudly out of the snow. Bakugou went around and carved gruesome faces in each of them, so everyone knew whose it was. When the snow was packed too tightly, he activated his quirk slightly so the snow would melt enough so he could do as he pleased.

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