Monoshinkami - Just A Brainrot. Imagine That It Is Just A Continuation

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Crawling out of bed, Denki was unsurprised to see that he was the first one awake. Smiling dorkily at his sleeping boyfriends, a passing thought surfaced in his mind of how disgusted Bakugou would look if he saw such a domestic moment. It was ironic, really, because everyone saw how he looked at his boyfriends. Giggling quietly, Kaminari snuck away lest he wake Shinsou. He wasn't worried about disturbing Monoma; the man was scarily dead to the world once his eyes closed.

Once he arrived at the kitchen and dug around to find some food to eat, he settled on the table with his phone in his hand. Eventually, he ended up scrolling through the photos in his camera roll and reminiscing about past memories. There were pictures of them at the beach, climbing mountains, running through trees, picking flowers and even a couple of Neito or Hitoshi sleeping. It left a blush on his face seeing his partners smiling or pouting or laughing or looking so peaceful. Even the ones where they were annoyed about something or other left Denki with a flutter in his heart.

"Morning," someone grumbled, their voice deeper than usual and with a gruff edge.

"Hiya, babe! Sleep well?" Kaminari asked, getting up and tailing his boyfriend while he made his customary coffee.

"I did, yeah. Although both my arms hurt from you two," Shinsou commented, lightheartedly glaring at his partner who had attached himself to his waist.

Snorting, Denki was quick to defend themselves, "Yeah, yeah. You always say that! You and I both know you couldn't fall asleep if you weren't smothered by us."


"Not debatable. It's a known fact. You are such a softie, you can only rest in piece if at least one of us are cuddling you," Denki laughed, dodging the hand aimed at him for his teasing.

"Shut up," Shinsou demanded, gulping down his drink.

"I second that!" Monoma agreed, yawning loudly as he trudged into the kitchen.

"You don't even know what we're talking about!" spluttered Denki, betrayed by his lovers.

"And? I always want you to shut up," Monoma countered, although despite his harsh words and indignant scoff, he was quick to grab Denki and hold him tightly.

"Really? That's not what you usually say. If I remember correctly, you're always the one telling me to speak up and be louder. I swear, you're always so bossy and demanding," Denki grumbled, finding it difficult to keep in his grin at the gasp emitted from Neito.

Blushing deeply, Monoma was quick to pick up on the innuendo. He never did well with lewd remarks, despite the carefree facade he had built up over the years. "Don't be so dirty!" he gasped, poking Kaminari as hard as he could. It just wasn't fair that a brat from the infamous class A was able to get him so flustered. It didn't help that Shinsou was hiding his laughter with minimal success.

"God, you act like such a virgin," Kaminari teased, although he whined loudly the moment Monoma let go of him and stomped away towards their sofa. "Wait, no, come back! I was joking!"

Rolling his eyes, Neito flung himself onto their couch, soon followed by Denki and Hitoshi. They settled quickly, with Kaminari lounging across the both of their laps like usual. He was quick to force Monoma to give him a head massage, while Shinsou was trapped in having a constant hold on Kaminari's hand, or having to share his shirt when Denki got cold and shoved his hands in there. Although that excuse did seem a little unbelievable with his much he was feeling up his tall boyfriend's stomach, although Hitoshi neglected to mention it.

"Am I really the demanding one?" Neito wondered, lips upturned into a smirk while his eyebrows raised themselves questioningly.

"You're both demanding," Hitoshi snorted, receiving two harsh glares accompanied with dramatic pouts.

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