Momojirou - Valentine's Day Troubles

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Knocking on Momo's door, Jirou felt her heart break as she saw the mascara stains and red eyes of her best friend. Kyouka felt a certain responsibility for her friend's sadness, as she had been the one to wholeheartedly encouraged Momo to ask out Todoroki despite how much she wished Yaoyorozu would ask her instead.

"Oh, Momo, can I come in?" asked Jirou, smiling at her in what she hoped was a comforting way. When Momo nodded, Kyouka went in.

They sat down on her bed in her massive dorm in silence. Neither girl knew what to say. The next second, Yaoyorozu burst into fresh tears and hugged Kyouka to get some comfort. Blushing slightly, Jirou ignored how her heart skipped a beat in favour of rubbing her friend's back and whispering soothing words to her. Now was not the time to focus on the fact that she had a crush, now was the time to help her friend.

"I just- I thought I had a chance," wailed Momo, thankful that nobody could hear her through her soundproofed walls. Another perk of being rich.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay. He has no idea what he just gave up. You deserve the world, and if it isn't Todoroki then you just need to find someone else," advised Jirou, hating the way her selfish side was thankful that Shoto rejected Momo. That this might mean that she has another chance.

"I know," hiccuped Momo, thankful her best friend was here for her. Sitting up and wiping her tears, Yaoyorozu gave a watery smile. Another thing that Jirou adored about her is that she never gave up and always seemed to bounce back. It was one of her many qualities that gave the class hope when they were being attacked by villains time and time again.

"Do you want to just go out together instead? To make you feel better?" Kyouka asked. She knew that Momo loved going out, and it might be better for her than hiding away in her dorm.

"Yeah. We can just spend V-valentine's t-together," Yaoyorozu started before crying again as she realised that her crush rejected her a day before the day of love.

"Oh, please don't cry. It's okay. It'll get better," comforted Jirou.

"How do you know?" counteracted Momo, although not in a mean way.

"Because someone I love doesn't like me back, either," Kyouka admitted, staring at the ground.

"Who?" demanded Momo, her problems put aside for a moment. She couldn't believe that someone would pass up on her best friend. She was amazing! They must be sick in the head to be so stupid.

"It doesn't matter. You're the one who got rejected, you're more important. Come on, up you get. Go wash your face or even have a shower and then we'll leave," Jirou said, diverting Momo's attention.

It worked, and soon enough she was lying on Yaoyorozu's bed as she listened to the shower go. When Momo came out, slightly pink from the warm water, Jirou tightly shut her eyes as she waited for her best friend to get changed. Momo ended up wearing a simple pink shirt with some jeans and a white jacket to keep her warm. She looked put together and gorgeous even though her heart was just broken. A stark contrast to how Jirou looked, Kyouka thought bitterly as she glanced at herself. But before she could spiral into a hole of self-doubt and hatred she was pulling Momo out of the dorm.

First, they went to their favourite park, where trees of all sorts were starting to bloom as they were finishing with the winter months. Not to mention a couple of flowers dotted about which will soon turn into floods of colours brightening even the saddest people's days. They walked slowly, enjoying the view of couples; old and new; walking along beside them holding hands. Jirou was worried that it might make Momo upset, but wonderfully it seemed to be the opposite. She was smiling at every couple, loving the general air of romance. She made a couple of flowers which she gifted to any children running about, brightening everyone's day that came in contact with her.

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