Chapter 4: Dream

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Badboyhalo was bored. He had settled himself down on the bed after thoroughly searching the room for something to do. Sadly, he had found nothing. He could hear villagers somewhere near him, but he couldn't seem to find where they were. And he was too terrified to try and explore outside his room yet.

He could hear Techno and Phil upstairs, both of them seemed to be having a good time. He was surprised to hear Techno laugh. He can't recall the last time he had heard that from the blood god. He seemed to find it hard to open up to anyone, but with Philza; they really seemed to be good friends.

The demon wondered if that's what it was. In some ways, Phil almost acted as a paternal figure to Techno. He could see it, even when he first saw the winged man standing next to the portal. The worry in his eyes didn't seem to be concern for a friend, more like concern for a son.

Bad laid down as he listened to their muffled conversations. He didn't feel bad doing so, he had nothing better to do. They chatted for a long while about random things. Sometimes, their conversation would steer into more personal topics, such as Tommy's betrayal. Techno had remained stoic about it, bottling up how he really felt most likely. Badboyhalo couldn't blame him for that. Opening up about feelings is hard, especially when Badboyhalo believed Techno really did care for the younger boy. He could see when he had watched them argue at the destroyed community house.

Bad found himself slipping away from reality, eyes closing at the soft background noise of preparations for tomorrow. The day had been an eventful one. Things weren't going to get back to normal now, even once he returns to the Badlands.

He wanted to see Skeppy again.


Bad awoke to silence. The torches in his room had almost burned through, causing his room to be low lit and ominous. He almost had forgotten where he was at that moment. It was clear he wasn't in the safe company of his and Skeppy's mansion, even if he was the only one living in it at the moment.

He sighed as he sat up. Techno and Phil must have gone to sleep. Was now a good time to risk looking around? He knew trying to escape was pointless. He had no idea where he was or how to get back. Not only this, but the dark was dangerous. The lack of light allowed hostile mobs to roam freely across the terrain, making it a death trap for someone without any armour or weapons.

He got up. Had Phil gone back to L'Manburg? He supposed he couldn't, as the residents there knew he was on Techno's side and would most likely try and use him as some sort of leverage. It would be much safer for him to stick around here.


Techno laid awake in his velvet sheets. His mind was too crowded for sleep. It was racing to figure out new strategies for tomorrow. This was the only time he could think after all, as all this had happened so quickly and at such short notice.

He shifted onto his side, hands gripping onto his pillow as he tried to think about anything he could do. Somehow he would need to fend off the entirety of L'Manburg as Dream set up the TNT, and while doing this he would also have to spawn all the withers. It was a difficult task to accomplish alone.

He got up, even when his muscles ached at him to lay back down. But he knew he couldn't, he knew he would need to do more to win this battle. He climbed down the ladder from his bedroom and got to work.


Morning came all to soon.

Phil entered the main room to see an all too tired Techno, slaving away at a brewing stand.

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