Chapter 21: Voices

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Art by StarTheifXx on Reddit!

Super beautiful art here, the person besides Techno is the artists representation of 'the voices'.

"Wait, so you're giving us the role?"

Bad peered up at Sam who stood next to the entrance of the prison. Antfrost stood next to him, tail flicking randomly with excitement.

"That's right." Sam sounded like he was smiling at them, although it was hard to tell. "I think it will be very beneficial to the prison if we have a few more helping hands. It should significantly boost its security too."

Bad and Ant looked at each other, sharing their enjoyment between them. Then they both grinned back up towards Sam.

"When do we start?" Ant asked.

"The job starts straight away." Sam explained. "We have a prisoner now after all."

They both nodded as Sam continued.

"I will be giving you each a full set of enchanted netherite armour as well as a weapon and a keycard. In the event of a breakout, you both will automatically be teleported to the prison and splashed with strength inducing potions. Then you will be expected to get the prisoner back to their designated cell."

"Wow..." Bad breathed. Sam's prison was admittedly much more well put together then he had expected.

"But for now, you will both be doing regular duties as a guard. That includes cleaning, topping up the potion dispenser and bringing food to the prisoner." Sam stated before going silent in thought. "Hmm... Ant, you will be taking food to the prisoner in the morning while Bad, you can deliver it in the evenings."

He continued. "The food can be found in one of the chests behind the reception desk. You should only be giving him a potato as well as a glass of water each time you go."

"Er, that's pretty harsh Sam." Ant admitted, sounding rather surprised.

"This is a prison, not a daycare."

Ant and Bad decided to remain silent.

"Anyways," Sam began. "You should leave the food on top of the Netherite barrier. If there is anything in the cell that looks broken, you are allowed to enter the cell to replace it, but only if you are wearing your full armour and are in possession of a weapon. After replacing something, you must report it back to me."

Sam analysed the demon and cat hybrid before him for any signs of reluctance, but found none.

"Right, that's just about it." He clapped his hands. "Follow me, I'll show you both to the guard courters."


"Woah, this is really impressive Sam!" Bad was in awe as he scanned the entirety of the guard courters. Each guard had been assigned not only one pair of netherite armour, but two extra pairs on top of that. The sheer amount of materials Sam would have needed to collect for that would have been immense.

"Yeah, this is crazy." Antfrost added, clearly just as surprised as Bad was.

Sam remained quiet for a moment, until he started talking. "I will either be at the prison entrance or reception desk if you need me. You already know all the short cuts to get to the main holding cell which should make things easier for you. The card key will allow you into this area as well as the prison itself. Just make sure not to loose it, as I will not be replacing it."

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