Chapter 11: Return

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It was the next day. The sun had risen well above the skyline, causing the snow to glisten like diamonds from it's piercing rays. It was a nice day, the best that Bad had seen in the tundra so far. But it was time to leave.

He was following close behind Technoblade who heavily trudged through the thick ice at his feet. He had put his mask back on, even though it was broken, revealing one of his sharp crimson eyes. Ever since the war, Bad had noticed the eyes of the other had grown more and more focused and aware, to the point they appeared how the demon always imagined they would.

Techno had never questioned about Bad having seen his face. This was surprising, as the demon always thought it was something he kept private to outsiders. He had also slightly changed his attire. His normal red cloak with cream fur had been swapped to one Bad hadn't seen before. It was embroidered and an arctic blue, it's fur a cool light grey. Bad thought it complimented his pink hair nicely.

Techno must have noticed the other slowing down in pace from his thoughts, and stopped to turn around and give him a glance. Bad noticed and quickly hurried to his side, uttering a quick apology for being slow.

They entered the nether one at a time, the contrast in temperature hitting them both as soon as they teleported. Although, Badboyhalo was thankful for it. He hadn't felt comforting heat like this for a while now.

"What are you going to do next, Techno?" The demon suddenly asked out of the blue, as they walked single-file down one of the nether paths.

Technoblade shrugged. "Probably go back into retirement. Nothing better to do."

Badboyhalo nodded, in thought.

"What are you going to do?" The Blade then asked, bored.

"Oh..." Bad sighed. "I have a few things I have to figure out."

Technoblade raised his eyebrows from under his mask. "Seems kinda sus."

Bad's reaction was immediate. "What?!? It's not! I mean, have you heard about the egg yet?"

The Blood God looked behind him to meet Bad's eyes. "Egg? Like from a chicken?"

The demon laughed slightly, but it seemed more nervous then happy. "Er close. An egg showed up on the DreamSMP out of nowhere. At first, nobody thought much of it, but it's becoming a big problem. It seems to have the ability to change how people behave in order to protect itself. We've covered the egg up in obsidian to stop it affecting people and to hopefully stop it from growing too. But for some people it might be too late..."

"Huh..." Technoblade responded, slightly weirded out by the new information. He goes into retirement for like a month and not only has he already gone to war, but some weird 'egg' has now made its appearance. "Well it's just an egg, right?"

Bad didn't reply to that, so they both continued walking, the only sound present being their footsteps and the crackling of lava. Techno couldn't help but notice the demon was acting kinda down. It was too bad though, he had no clue how to offer comfort to others.

"So." Techno, breaking the silence. "Once you get back, mind if you don't tell the whole server where I live?"

Bad looked up. "Oh yeah, I wasn't planning to."

"Not even Skeppy, I know what that guy is like." The pink haired hybrid added.

This caused Bad to smile slightly. "Not even Geppy.."

Techno turned back around, noticing the portal in the near distance. Well, that was their destination, it was time for Badboyhalo to go back home and potentially become an enemy to him. Techno couldn't predict the future, but he was pretty sure the demon would take one look at the crater that was L'Manburg and then reveal where he lived to everyone.

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