Chapter 18: Prison

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"So why the hell was Technoblade asleep UNDER his own fucking bed. And why isn't he waking up?!" Quackity exclaimed while trying to catch his breath.

The Butcher Army were in the process of carrying Technoblade to the Nether Portal, but it was proving harder than expected. Quackity a had hold on the Blade by his shoulders, while Fundy was at the other end carrying his other half.

"You need help there, Big Q?" Tubbo asked doubtfully, causing Quackity to shake his head back.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting him to be so heavy..." Quackity gasped.

"It is weird though," Tommy said aloud. "I don't see why Techno would be under his bed of all places. It's not like he knew we were coming. And he's not the sort of person to hide like that.."

Tubbo nodded. "Do you think someone warned him?"

Everyone went silent, clearly all thinking about that possibility. Quackity, in particular, remained quiet as he recalled the only person he had told. But it seemed unlikely, so he eventually brushed it off.

"Well, it doesn't really matter now." Tommy seemed to have also brushed it off. "All that matters is that we have Techno now, and he didn't even put up a fight. I'd say it's a win."

"Hmm.." Fundy wasn't so sure. "I think we shouldn't ignore the fact we might have a traitor though. Everyone should keep a look out for any signs that there is one.."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they got to the Nether Portal.

Not too far away, Bad stood by the windowsill, his clawed hands clutching the side. This rescue mission hadn't gone as he had planned, the only positive here was that he hadn't been caught too.

Nevertheless, the situation was bad. Technoblade would be locked up in Pandora's Vault, most likely in the high security cell. The prison itself was inescapable. However, the demon was good friends with Sam, the prison warden and member of the Badlands. That might be the best chance he had right now. Either way, he would get nowhere while Techno was in a heavy sleep like he was, whatever that was. Bad hoped he was going to be ok.


"Wait, you captured Technoblade?" Sam stood outside the entrance to the prison, looking in shock at the Butcher army that staggered before him.

"Yeah, it was pretty easy." Tommy stated coolly as he watched Quackity and Fundy drop Techno abruptly onto the grass with a thud. The Blade remained unmoving as they all stared down at him.

"Is he..." Sam drifted off, eyes searching the piglin hybrid for any injuries. Surprisingly though, there were none that looked recent.

"He's alive." Tubbo broke the silence. "We found him in this weird sleeping state, he won't wake up."

"Hmm.. Odd." Sam pondered for a moment. "Well, Pandora's Vault is ready to take him in. I was just doing a bit of maintenance work. Follow me."

The Butcher army nodded and picked Technoblade back up so they could bring him forward. The Entrance to the prison stood ahead of them in the form of a grand nether portal. Each of them disappeared into the purple mist as they travelled through into another room that seemed to have no exit.

"Uh, Sam?" Quackity tried, as he looked around scanning the quartz and black stone walls for any sign of a way out.

Sam seemed to be busy with something as he took a couple moments to answer. "You can go through."

The Butchers looked back at the portal they had came from in confusion. But either way, they made their way back through it to reveal a completely new scenery.

It seemed to be the real entrance to Pandora's Vault. A large reception desk greeted them as they first walked in, leading to Sam walking over and stepping behind.

"Just getting the necessary items.." He told, as he dug his hands into a chest that lay under the desk.

The Butcher Army looked around intently. "Wow, you sure put a lot of work into this.." Fundy murmured.

"Yes." Sam replied bluntly, as he found what he was looking for inside the chest and turned around. "Well, I'll be taking it from here."

"What? We can't come with you?!" Tommy gasped. "I wanted to see what the max security cell looked like!"

"No." Sam replied monotonously. "You will be able to visit eventually, but not at the moment. This is for security reasons."

Quackity glared at the warden, eyes harsh. Sam met eyes with him and stared back in silence, not breaking eye contact.

"Have you checked if he has any items on him?" He then asked, looking back at the Blade who laid still on the black stone floor.

"Uh.. No. Do you want us to do that right now?" Tubbo suggested, sounding uncomfortable.

"No, I'll do it myself." Sam answered, walking up to Technoblade. "You all can now exit though the portal."

"Guess that means we're gonna have to split the reward." Fundy said and he turned around towards the portal followed by Tubbo and Tommy. Quackity however, remained still as he watched Sam slowly lift Techno up.

"How long is he going to be in here?" The duck hybrid muttered as his eyes bore into the warden.

"Probably forever." Sam breathed out, showing signs of difficulty as he carried the Blade away from the portal. "We'll have to decide things properly later. In court maybe."

Quackity nodded at him before turning away, deep in thought. All he knew was that he would be paying the Blood God a visit. Very, very soon.


Bad was sat down on his bed in his desolate room, head lowered into his hands.

There were a lot of things he needed to think through, as right now, there were many problems that needed to be solved.

His priority had been finding a cure for his best friend for a while now, and it still was his priority. But the recent events that had gone down had left the demon feeling concerned and somewhat responsible.

If he wanted Techno to be let free from the prison, he would need some help. He wouldn't be able to do it alone. But he had no idea who he could tell. Quackity wasn't an option, nor was Sam.

He racked his brain back to any conversations he had with Sam about the prison previously. He knew there were blueprints of Pandora's Vault around somewhere.

He remembered something else too. When he was with Ant, Sam had offered them the position of becoming prison guards. It was a role the demon had been reluctant to take previously, as his focus was fully on finding a cure for Skeppy. But now, becoming a guard might be the key to helping out the Blade.

He would have to bring it up with Sam later. Asking too soon might be suspicious. He suspected that the warden would make an announcement about Techno's capture tomorrow or the day after.

For now, he would need to seem completely unaware of all that he knew.


A slightly shorter chapter this time.... But we are really getting into it now! Techno is now stuck in Pandora's Vault in a deep 'sleep', Bad has many problems that need solutions, Skeppy has been infected by the egg and Quackity seems to be pretty suspicious..

I do plan in making Quackity quite a major character in this story, as I do think his persona in the Dream SMP is very interesting. His lore is always great to watch too.


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