Chapter 24: Trial

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Before you begin reading, this chapter will be entirely on Technoblade's court trail. I have never had to sit through a trial myself, which means I have no experience on how they go so this trial is likely to be unrealistic yet pretty dramatically.

I would say just be mindful while reading this chapter that there will be arguments, conflict and new revelations in this chapter I can't reveal without spoilers.

But besides that, here is an extra long chapter for you guys.



The court house was even busier than he had expected it to be. There were many familiar faces present; Tommy, Tubbo, Sapnap, Connor, Eret. Presumably all there to state their individual stories as victims.

Bad didn't fail to notice Quackity there too on the front row, his feet resting on his table next to his glass of water. He had grinned as soon as he saw Bad enter the premises, but it quickly turned into a scowl as he noticed Technoblade there too.

When the Blade gazed in his direction, his scowl deepened even further as he raised his finger to flip him off, causing Bad to silently language him before moving Techno to the table in the centre of the courthouse.

Everyone's voices had slowly drained into an uncomfortable silence as they noticed the new presence of the defendant. Bad could feel the glares boring into his direction. Even if they weren't specifically directed at him, it still set him on edge.

Techno didn't even bat an eye, even when people had started to whisper amongst themselves. That's when the demon realised this was probably the first time most of them had seen the Blood God's face being uncovered.

Technoblade voluntarily sat down in front of the wooden table that had been fixed into the floor, letting Ant fasten his ankle to it with the second set of handcuffs.

"Thank you all for joining us in the Trial of Technoblade. A reminder to everyone that all electronic devices should be turned off during the trial to avoid any disturbances." Bad looked up slightly to see Sam sitting down on a raised platform. He was the judge of this trial.

"I expect that your behavior in the courtroom is appropriate and if the courtroom determines that your demeanor or behavior inside the courtroom is not appropriate, i have advised the guards that I will be asking you to be escorted outside the courtroom, so please be mindful during the sentencing." He stated calmly as the entire courtroom fell into silence.

Techno remained still. "All of you here today have been affected by the defendant which is why we have gathered you to state your experiences and get justice."

Sam took a breath. "Is there any statutory victim who would like to make the first statement?"

The room was silent for a moment, before there was a shuffling sound as somebody got to their feet. Bad turned to see Eret on his feet.

"If I may, Sam." Eret asked, receiving a short nod from the warden, then proceeded to walk to the microphone situated in front to Techno's desk.

"Like many who sit here today, I was one of the casualties of the Doomsday War." He turned slightly to catch a glimpse of the Blood God's red eyes that bore into his back. "However, that is not what I wanted to talk about today, as I am sure there are others who have things to say about L'Manburg's bombing."

Eret continued as he looked up at Sam. "In fact, I am here on behalf of a friend of mine, GeorgeNotFound. He was unable to make it today due to... reasons."

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