Chapter 3

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Two years old.

Kurt and Blaine were masters at hide and seek. They knew each other's house inside out, which meant that the pair also knew the best hiding spots.

Currently, they were hiding in Blaine's parents' closet, behind the absurd amount of dresses Pamela owned.

Blaine covered his mouth so no one could hear him laughing, and Kurt had to stop himself from giggling too.

"Where are you two?" James called out, pretending to be clueless as to where they were. "I'll find you!"

Kurt moved further back into the closet, keeping his feet close to himself so they didn't peek out.

"I don't know where they've gone." Burt said loudly, sounding confused. "I think we've lost them."

"Me too, I guess we'll just need to eat all of their ice cream." James said, sighing dramatically.

At the mention of ice cream, Kurt and Blaine came tumbling out of the closet, running to their dads so they didn't steal their ice cream.

"Oh, there you two are!" James said, smiling at them and laughing.

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" Blaine said, jumping up and down in excitement. James chuckled lightly, but nodded and lead both boys out of the room, going to the kitchen to grab them a bowl each.

Kurt and Blaine sat at the dining table, eating their ice cream together. Blaine grumbled lightly to himself, pushing his curls out of his face. Kurt looked up and frowned at him.

"Too long." Blaine said, and Kurt just stared at him, before smiling mischievously at him and going back to eating his ice cream.

They both finished quickly, and once James had took their empty bowls, Kurt grabbed Blaine's hands and lead him out of the room, both of them carefully climbing up the stairs and making their way into the bathroom.

They stood on the steps so they could see into the mirror, and Kurt grabbed a pair of scissors.

"Cut hair." Kurt said to Blaine. "Too long."

Blaine stared at him, but after a minute nodded, understanding what he meant.

Kurt smiled at him and began to cut Blaine's curls, with no pattern or thought process, just cutting whatever he could get to.

"Finished!" Kurt said after a few minutes. Blaine looked at himself in the mirror, looking at the mess of hair on his head, and smiled at Kurt.

Both of them walked downstairs and made their way into the living room, wanting to show their parents their masterpiece.

"Blaine! Kurt! What did you do!" Pamela said, looking at her son in horror.

"Hair too long, Kurt cut." Blaine said, smiling at his mom.

Pamela and Elizabeth looked at their sons in silence. Parts of Blaine's hair were the same length, and other parts were completely bald, all of it was bad.

"Oh shi- I mean oh sugar." Elizabeth said. "What have you two done?"

Kurt looked between both of them, his smile slowly disappearing when he realised they weren't happy with them.

Blaine cried the whole time when his mother shaved his head, and after Kurt had hugged him for an hour until Blaine stopped crying and finally smiled.

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