Chapter 18

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Seventeen years old.

"You study too much." Blaine said, leaning over the chair Kurt was sitting on to look at the work he was doing.

"Well, I do want to get good grades." Kurt said, writing an answer for his biology homework.

Blaine put his hand under Kurt's chin, lifting his head back so that Kurt was looking him in the eyes. "You know, you could study me instead, I'm a very good subject."

"Very funny Anderson." Kurt said sarcastically, hitting him lightly with his pen and turning back to his school work.

"Come on Kurt, please just do something else other than school work." Blaine said, groaning in frustration. "As cute as you are, I don't want to spend out whole relationship just watching you doing school work."

"And I thought you had a kink for this." Kurt said, smirking at him. "Just let me finish this homework, then I'm all yours."

Blaine sighed, but moved back to the bed, getting out his phone and opening the group chat with all their friends.

Blaine: Someone help me.

David: What's up?

Wes: If it's helping you with eating five large pizzas just so you can get a free meal again then I'm going to pass, I still haven't recovered.

Blaine: No, I need someone to help me get Kurt to stop doing his school work and hang out with me.

Noah: You want us to help you get fucked?

Blaine: I never said that, it's your that mind went there. I just want to spend time with him, rather than watching him scribble down notes and answers.

Jeff: Normally I just tackle Nick to the ground until he agrees to spend time with me.

Nick: I wouldn't recommend doing that, he's going to break my back one day from doing that.

Blaine: Will someone other than the train wreck that is Jeff and Nick help me.

Sebastian: Just whip out your dick and he won't be able to resist.

Blaine: Will someone other than the train wreck that is Jeff, Nick and Sebastian help me.

Thad: I don't know, just start crying or something.

Wes: Just talk to him.

Blaine: You think I didn't do that?

David: Help him with his work and it'll be done quicker.

Blaine: I'll do that, thank god someone in his group has some common sense.

Blaine put his phone into his pocket, moving back to stand behind the chair that Kurt was sitting on.

"How much have you got left?" Blaine asked, running a hand through Kurt's hair.

"Just this page, I'll be done soon." Kurt said.

"When's it due?"

"This Friday."

"Kurt, it's Tuesday today." Blaine said, laughing. "You have plenty of time to do it."

"You know I like to be prepared and have stuff finished early." Kurt told him, writing down an answer to his homework. Blaine didn't say anything in return, he just leaned forward and kissed Kurt on the cheek, still playing with his hair.

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