Chapter 13

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Twelve years old.

"Did you hear about the new kid?" Jeff asked then as they walked to school.

"No, what are they like?"

"I heard he's from Britain, but that's all I know." Jeff said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh my god, I love the British accent." Blaine said, smiling to himself.

They all walked into school together, going to Wes' locker so he could get out his books.

"There he is, there's the new kid." Jeff said, subtly pointing down the corridor. All four of them looked down the hall, seeing a boy opening his locker and transferring things from his bag to his locker.

"Is he in our year?" Kurt asked, not able to take his eyes away from the boy.

"I think so." Jeff replied, turning back to Wes.

'Can Blaine Anderson, Wesley Montgomery, Jeffery Sterling, Kurt Hummel and Noah Macdonald please come to the principal's office. That's Blaine Anderson, Wesley Montgomery, Jeffery Sterling, Kurt Hummel and Noah Macdonald to the principal's office. Thank you.'

All four of them looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders before making their way to the principal's office.

They stepped into the office, seeing that the new kid was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Ah, boys, take a seat." Principal Moore said, smiling when all four of them sat down. "Now, Noah, this is Kurt, Blaine, Jeff and Wes. Boys, this is Noah, he's a new student here."

Noah looked over at them, nodding his head in greeting.

"Now, I was thinking, since Noah is new here and doesn't know anyone, that all four of you could take him under his wing and be his friend." Principal Moore said, smiling at all of them.

"Sure, we'd be glad to do that." Wes said, smiling politely at the principal.

"Lovely. I think Noah is in a lot of your classes, so you can all walk to class together." The principal told them. "Now, I won't keep you any longer. You're free to go to your next class."

All five boys stood up and walked out of the office, standing awkwardly for a moment.

"So, what class do you have next Noah?" Jeff asked, breaking the silence. Noah reached into his bag, pulling out a piece of paper and reading it.

"Maths in room two one." Noah said.

"Woah, that's quite the accent, and you talk really fast." Jeff said, eyes wide. "You're British, right?"

"Scottish." Noah said, rolling his eyes lightly.

"I thought that was in Britain." Blaine said quietly, furrowing his eyebrows. "Where in Scotland are you from?"

Noah stared at all of them for a minute, before crossing his arms against his chest and raising an eyebrow at them. "Dae ye even ken any places in Scotland? [Do you even know any places in Scotland?]"


"Ugh, do you even know any places in Scotland?"

"Uhhh, London."



"Isn't Liverpool a city in Britain?"

"Oh my god, stop, all ae you. Ye'r just embarrassing yerself.  [Oh my god, stop, all of you. You're just embarrassing yourself.]" Noah said. "All ae them ur in England. [All of them are in England.]"

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