Chapter 12

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Eleven years old.

"We're like big kids now, everyone knows middle school is cool." Jeff said, wrapping an arm around Wes' shoulder as he, Wes, Blaine and Kurt walked into middle school on their first day of sixth grade. "We are going to be the coolest kids in here, everyone will love us."

"Okay Jeff, I think our first objective is to survive the first day, then you can start thinking about ways to make us cool." Wes said, chuckling lightly when Jeff rolled his eyes at him.

"I don't need to think of ways to make us cool, everyone will just take one look at us and see how awesome we are." Jeff replied. "Anyway, let's go find our lockers."

They all got their locker numbers, and found they were nowhere near each other.

"Well, I need to go to my locker, see you guys." Kurt said, waving to his friends and walking away. He made it to his locker and put away all of the book he didn't need, carrying the one's he needed for his next two classes.

Kurt closed his locker and walked down the corridor, seeing it was mostly empty.

"Hey, Kurt!"

Kurt turned around, freezing when he saw Conner and Jack walking over to him.

"Kurt, we missed you during the summer, we should have all hung out." Conner said, pouting at him. Jack grinned and wrapped an arm around Kurt shoulders, holding him tighter when Kurt tried to squirm away.

"I need to get to class." Kurt said, trying to get out of Jack's hold.

"Oh, I'm sorry, on you go." Jack said, getting go of him. Kurt stepped back, and began to walk away, when Jack ran forward and stuck his leg out, causing Kurt to trip and fall on the floor.

"Whoops, sorry 'bout that." Jack said while Conner laughed. "Here, let me help you."

Kurt looked up to see Jack picking up the books Kurt dropped, and he was about to take the book off of Jack, when Jack took the books and slid them across the hall.

"Oh gosh, butterfingers." Jack said, laughing and walking away. Kurt sighed lightly, and stood up, picking up the book that were flung across the hall, and went to his next class. He walked into the room, and took an empty seat, sighing when the person next to him discreetly scooted their chair away from Kurt.


"Did you hear there's a school dance next month?" Jeff asked as he sat down at the lunch table.

"No? Why is there a dance?" Blaine asked, frowning.

"I think it's a winter dance or something." Jeff said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Does that mean we need to get dates?" Wes asked.

"I think so, I mean you can't go to a dance alone." Jeff said. "Who are you guys going to ask?"

"Your sister." Blaine said while grinning, laughing when Jeff threw a fry at him.

"I might ask Amelia, she's nice and we talk a lot in class." Wes replied.

"I'll probably ask Charlotte, I heard she likes me so she'll probably say yes." Blaine said, smiling at all of them.

"Charlotte likes you?" Kurt asked, turning to him and frowning.

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