Chapter 4

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Three years old.

Kurt looked at his dad uncertainly, hands gripping the handlebars of his tricycle tightly.

"Just do this with your feet." Burt said, helping Kurt peddle. Once Kurt gained more confidence, Burt stepped back to let Kurt peddle himself, smiling as Kurt laughed as he rode down the street.


Kurt looked up to see Blaine standing with his parents, smiling at him. Kurt smiled back, but his eyes went wide when he realised he didn't know how to stop. He kept peddling, and James stepped forward, grabbing Kurt and picking him up off of the tricycle before he collided into a lamp pole.

Kurt smiled gratefully and walked over to Blaine while Burt grabbed his tricycle. Kurt hugged Blaine tightly, grinning at him.

"Did you see?" Kurt asked, pointing over at his tricycle. Blaine nodded, giggling at him.

"Come on now, let's go to Kurt's house." Pamela said, and all of them walked to Kurt's house together.

Kurt and Blaine ran into the backyard while all of the adults caught up.

"I have a ball!" Blaine said, holding up a plastic soccer ball. Blaine placed it in the ground and kicked it in Kurt's direction. Kurt waited until the ball stopped in front of him, and kicked it back.

"Kurt, Blaine, dinner time!" Elizabeth shouted an hour later. The soccer ball was abandoned as both boys rushed into the house to get their dinner.

They took their seats at the small table that was just for them, and looked down at the plate of turkey dinosaurs and potato waffles, before beginning to eat.

"How was work today?" Elizabeth asked Pamela as they all tucked into their food.

"Good, had a lot of phone calls and meetings, but I've still got a lot to do. I'm hoping Blaine will go to bed early so I can work for a while."

"Blaine can stay here tonight if you want, get him out of your hair." Elizabeth suggested.

"I can't ask you to do that, don't worry about it."

"It's really no trouble at all, and we both know how much Kurt and Blaine love spending time together."

"Are you sure?" Pamela asked, not wanting to dump her child onto someone, but also wanting a night to herself.

"Of course, I love having Blaine here."

"What do you think?" Pamela asked, turning to James.

"I think it sounds like a good idea, gives us a night to ourselves." James said, winking at her, and smiling when Pamela laughed lightly.

"Blaine honey, do you want to have a sleepover here tonight?" Pamela asked, turning to look at both boys.

Blaine looked up and grinned, nodding feverishly.

"You still have his bag of things here, don't you?" Pamela asked, smiling when Elizabeth nodded.

"Okay Blaine, we'll be here tomorrow to pick you up. Be good for Elizabeth and Burt." Pamela said after dinner, kissing him on the cheek and waving goodbye. Blaine waved back, looking sad, but got over it when Kurt smiled at him.

Both boys went upstairs and into Kurt's room. Blaine immediately walked over to Kurt's toy chest, pulling out two Barbie dolls that Kurt had.

Blaine sat in the ground and handed Kurt a doll, smiling when Kurt sat in front of him.

Both boys played together, going from playing princesses to making music on Kurt's toy xylophone.

Ever since Blaine was brought into the world, Kurt and Blaine had been inseparable, by each other's side as much as possible. As babies, they often babbled nonsense together, and fell asleep next to each other.

Pamela and Elizabeth were ecstatic when their sons became close friends. Since they were little girls, they had always told one another that their children would be friends, and finally that had come true.

"Kurt, Blaine, it's bedtime." Elizabeth said. Kurt and Blaine left the toys, following Kurt's mom into the bathroom so they could brush their teeth.

Once they were ready for bed, Kurt got into his bed, while Blaine got into the makeshift bed on the floor.

"Okay guys, goodnight, see you in the morning." Elizabeth said, kissing them both on the head before turning off the lights and walking out of the room. Kurt cuddled deeper into his bed covers, closing his eyes and going into dreamland.

An hour later, Kurt woke up to whimpering and soft crying. He frowned and sat up, looking down at Blaine, who was tossing and turning in his sleep, tears rolling down his face. Kurt carefully climbed out of bed and sat next to Blaine, shaking him lightly.

Blaine jumped up and turned to look at Kurt, still crying. Kurt held out his arms, and Blaine fell into them, crying while his friend hugged him.

After a few minutes, Blaine calmed down and pulled back, wiping the tears away. Kurt stood up and took Blaine's hand, helping him stand up. Kurt led Blaine into his bed and pulled the covers over both of them. Blaine smiled softly and cuddled closer to Kurt, falling asleep quickly.

Burt and Elizabeth took lots of photos when they went to wake up Kurt and Blaine in the morning, and saw them cuddling close as they slept.

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