Chapter 6

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Five years old.

Blaine looked up at the building nervously, holding onto his mother's hand tightly.

"Now Blaine, I'll be here to pick you up at the end of the day, and Kurt will be with you all day." Pamela said, kneeling down to be at his level.

Blaine nodded, but didn't look any less worried. Blaine's gaze shifted, and he suddenly relaxed. Pamela turned to see what Blaine was looking at, and saw Kurt standing there, smiling at him.

"Come on Blaine, it's so cool in there!" Kurt said, smiling and extending his hand out. Blaine smiled, and took Kurt's hand in his own, walking with Kurt into kindergarten.

"God, they're so grown up." Elizabeth said, wrapping an arm around Pamela's waist.

"I just hope they'll be okay." Pamela said worriedly.

"They will, they've got each other."

They walked into the classroom together and took a seat on the carpet next to each other.

"Good morning class. We're going to start off by going round the class, say your name and sometime you like to do. I'll go first; my name is Mrs Smith and I like teaching my class."

"I'm Jack, and I like to play football."

"I'm Sophie and I like to play with my barbies."

"My names Ciara and I like watching TV."

"I'm Ryan and I like playing at the play park."

"My names Sonny and I like playing soccer."

"My names Viktoria... and I like sleeping."

"I'm Alicia and I like playing with my older brother."

"My names Destiny and I like to help my mom cook."

"My names Kurt and I like to play with my friend Blaine."

"My names Blaine and I like to play with my friend Kurt."

Kurt and Blaine smiled at each other, giggling lightly.

"My names Wes and I like to read."

"My names Lily and I like to collect flowers."

"I'm Amy and I like playing with my dog and my family."

"I'm Matt and I like... I like playing in my garden."

"My names Katie and I like painting."

"That was lovely class, we all know so much about each other!" Mrs Smith said, smiling at all of them. "Now, how about we sing a song, shall we?"

"And we sang a song and danced and painted and played in a sandbox and played outside!" Blaine said when he got home after kindergarten, Kurt with him as the Hummel's were over for dinner.

"So, you had fun then?" James asked, smirking.

"Yes! I want to go every day! But only if Kurt goes everyday too." Blaine said, smiling at all of them.

"Well, you won't be going every day, but you'll be going a lot." Pamela said.

"Did you boys make any new friends?" Burt asked them.

"Yes, we talked to Wes and Viktoria and Ryan, but Blaine is still my best friend." Kurt told them all.

"Sounds good boys, now run along and go play in Blaine's room." James said, watching them run out of the living room and go upstairs.

"I'm glad they were both okay, I don't want to think about how upset they would have been if they weren't in the same class." Elizabeth said, shuddering.

"I just hope they're not glued together forever, they're going to have to be apart when their older, when they both have a wife and kids." James said.

Elizabeth and Pamela looked at each other, sharing a knowing look, and snickered lightly.

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