Chapter 1

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Elizabeth Hummel and Pamela Anderson had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They had been through thick and thin together, from walking into elementary school together, to having their pregnancy months apart. Neither planned for their pregnancies to be so close, but they were ecstatic when they found out.

Burt Hummel and James Anderson watched their wives fondly whenever they were together, always astonished at how close the two were. Burt and James had become friends over the years as well, often taking late night shopping trips together when their wives had pregnancy cravings, or helping each other build whatever IKEA furniture their wives had bought for their unborn baby.

Elizabeth was the first to go into labour, Burt and Pamela at her side as she gave birth, with James in the corner as to not get in the way.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel was born on the twelfth of January at two in the afternoon exactly.

Burt was the first to hold him, tears streaming down his face as he looked at his newborn son, pride bursting out of him.

Pamela was the second to hold him, she had said that Elizabeth should hold him, but she was too exhausted to do so, and would hold him after Pamela. Pamela took the bundle of joy out of Burt's careful hands, and held him like he was a bag of precious diamonds, which he was in everyone's eyes. Pamela cried with joy as if it was her own child, and couldn't stop gushing about how handsome he was.

Elizabeth was the third to hold him, mustering up enough strength to hold her son. He smiled down at the sleeping boy in her arms, amazed that she had managed to grow that, that he was actually hers. All her life, Elizabeth's one true dream was to be a mother, and looking down at Kurt, she vowed to be the best damn mother she could be.

Just under two months later, Pamela's water broke and she was rushed to hospital. James and Elizabeth were at her side during the labour, while Burt took a chair at the side, holding Kurt in his arms.

Blaine Devon Anderson was born on the twenty-eight of February, at two minutes and thirty seconds past eight in the morning.

James was the first to hold him, having a similar reaction that Burt had to Kurt, a smile never leaving his face.

Elizabeth was the second to hold him, Pamela insisting for her to, just like Pamela held Kurt second. Elizabeth took little Blaine into her arms, laughing lightly when Blaine wrapped his small hand around her finger. Although Blaine was not her son, she felt as proud of him as she did when she gave birth to Kurt.

Pamela was the third to hold him, holding her son carefully in her arms. She was exhausted, but couldn't stop grinning down at her son, already trying to imagine the man he would become, and all the possibilities life would bring him.

When Pamela left the hospital, both families were almost never apart, going to each other's house to catch up and share their stories about being new parents, most of them being about getting little to no sleep and the amount of money a child cost.

But none of them would have it any other way.

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