Chapter 9

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Eight years old.

Blaine hated Kurt. Absolutely, positively, hated him. As soon as he got home from school, he ran to his room and slammed the door behind him, jumping onto his bed and punching his pillow, trying to get his anger out.

"Why don't we play tag?" Blaine asked Kurt during recess.

"I don't want to play a game." Kurt said, sitting on the ground and eating his snack.

"But we always play a game at recess." Blaine said, frowning.

"I know, but I don't want to play today." Kurt said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well... what do you want to do then?"

"I just want to sit here myself and eat my snack." Kurt replied. Blaine looked at Kurt sadly, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Oh... well I'm going to go play with someone else." Blaine said, walking away sadly to find someone else to play with.

"Blaine honey, what's wrong?" Pamela asked softly, walking into her sons' room and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Kurt doesn't want to be my friend anymore." Blaine said, feeling the tears well up in his eyes.

"What do you mean? You and Kurt are best friends." Pamela said. Blaine shook his head, and the tears began to fall. Pamela opened her arms, and Blaine fell into them, hugging her tightly as he cried.

"Talk to me Blaine. Tell me what happened." Pamela said, hugging her son and rubbing circles on his back.

"He didn't want to play with me at recess today."

"Did we want to play with someone else?"

"No. He said he didn't want to play and he just wanted to sit by himself and eat his snack." Blaine said, sniffling lightly.

"Oh Blaine." Pamela said, trying to not laugh. "That doesn't mean Kurt doesn't want to be your friend."

"But we always play together at recess." Blaine replied, pouting lightly.

"But sometimes people just want to sit and have a break, Kurt is still your friend. He just didn't want to play a game today." Pamela said. "Tell you what, why don't we see if we can invite him over, and you'll see that he's still your best friend."

"Okay." Blaine said softly, wiping away his tears.

"Let's go downstairs while I phone Elizabeth." Pamela said. They went downstairs together, and Blaine sat on the sofa while his mom phoned Kurt's mom.

"Okay, he'll be round in two minutes, I'm going to make you guys snacks." Pamela said, kissing Blaine on the head before going into the kitchen.

Blaine sat on the sofa, nervously waiting for Kurt and his mom to arrive. A minute later, the front door opened and Blaine stood up, seeing Kurt standing there.

"Blaine!" Kurt said, rushing over to him and hugging him tightly. Blaine smiled softly and hugged him back. In that moment, he knew they were okay, nothing could come in between them.

"Blaine, your mom was telling me that you were upset today?" Elizabeth said softly. Kurt frowned at him, while Blaine blushed. "You thought that Kurt wasn't your friend anymore."

"What? But we're best friends." Kurt said, confused. "Are we not?"

"No! We're best friends!" Blaine said quickly. "But... you didn't want to play with me today, and I thought you didn't like me..."

"But we're best friends, I was just tired today."

"I know that now." Blaine said.

Pamela walked into the room, smiling at all of them. "Are we all okay?"

"Yes." Kurt and Blaine said at the same time, smiling at each other.

"Good, here's a bowl of fruit. You can eat it in Blaine's room if you want." Pamela said, chuckling when Kurt and Blaine rushed upstairs and into Blaine's room.

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