Chapter 11

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Ten years old.

"We're not in the same class?" Kurt said, frowning.

"They've moved me to the other grade five class." Blaine said, shrugging his shoulders sadly. "It's fine though, we'll still hang out during recess and lunch, and see each other after school."

"Yeah. Well, I'll see you at recess." Kurt said, waving goodbye and getting into line for his class.

Blaine got into his own line, joining the end. He knew most of the people's names in his new class, but all of his friends were in his old class, he was alone in this new class.

He put his bag in the cloakroom, grabbing his pencil case and walking into the class. He found the desk with his name and sat down, putting his pencil case in front of him. He looked around the room, seeing who was walking in, trying to find anyone he was friends with, or just someone he had talked to before, but didn't find anyone.

"Hey, you weren't in this class last year." Someone next to him said. Blaine turned to see Jeff sitting next to him, someone he had never talked to.

"Yeah, they moved me into this class, something about keeping the numbers equal." Blaine said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's cool, I'm Jeff." He said, smiling at him.

"I'm Blaine." Blaine said, smiling in return.

"Do you have any friends in this class?" Jeff asked him.

"No, all my friends are in the other class."

"Oh. Well, I'll be your friend, and my friends can be your friend." Jeff said, smiling at him.

"Who's your friends?" Blaine asked.

"Wes is my best friend, he's over there." Jeff said, pointing to the other side of the room, where a boy was sitting, fixing the order of his pencils in his pencil case. "So, do you want to be friends with us?"

"Sure. Wes was in my class in kindergarten." Blaine said, grinning.

"Cool, we can hang out at recess if you want?" Jeff asked.

"Well... I normally hang out with my best friend Kurt." Blaine said. "But I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I hang out with you guys."

"He can play with us as well, the more the merrier." Jeff said, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, we can ask him at recess." Blaine replied.

"Hey Kurt!" Blaine said, jogging over to him at recess.

"Hey Blaine, how was your new class?" Kurt asked, face lighting up when he saw Blaine.

"It was good, really good. I actually have a question." Blaine said, continuing when Kurt nodded. "Okay, so I sit next to Jeff in my class, and he's best friends with Wes, and Jeff said that I could hang out with them at recess so that I'd have friends from the other class, But I said that I normally play with you, so he said that you can play with us as well. So, do you want to play with me, Jeff and Wes?"

"Um... sure." Kurt said, standing up and following Blaine to where Jeff and Kurt were standing.

"Hey guys, are we all playing together?" Jeff asked, smiling at both of them. Blaine nodded, and Jeff's smile grew wider.

"Okay, cool. Me and Wes were thinking about playing 'Simon Says', you two okay with that?" Jeff asked, seeing both of them nod.


Blaine's class joined the lunch line, and Blaine chatted with Wes and Jeff as he waited in the line. They all grabbed their food and found three empty seats, sitting with each other.

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