Chapter 19

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Eighteen years old.

"I can't believe school is going to be over in a few months." Thad said as they all sat in the common room.

"I don't even want to talk about this, I'll start sobbing." Wes said, slumping in his chair, but smiled when David put a comforting hand on his thigh.

"I just can't wrap my head around the fact that we're all going to different places in America." Xavier said, cuddling into Sebastian's side.

"Different places in the world ye mean." Noah said. "Am movin' back tae Soctland fur a year. [I'm moving back to Scotland for a year.]"

"You're coming back to America though, right?" Blaine asked him.

"Aye. Scotland will always be ma home, but a've built ma life in America. Am at least gonnae dae college here. [Yes. Scotland will always be my home, but I've built my life in America. I'm at least going to do college here.]"

"Thank god, I can almost deal with us being in different states, but I'd have a breakdown if we were in different countries for the rest of our lives." Jeff said.

"At least you and Nick are going to be living together. This one's going to be living across the country from me." Xavier said, poking Sebastian in the stomach.

"Shut up, we're going to be fine." Sebastian said, smiling at him and kissing him on the head. "Plus, you'll have Kurt in New York, and I'll have Blaine in California."

"Speaking of New York, we need to start house searching." Kurt said to Xavier.

"We'll start looking tomorrow." Xavier replied. "And we need to make sure we don't buy one with a rat infestation."

"Good luck finding that in New York." Thad muttered.


"When's your next exam?" Kurt asked, playing with Blaine's curls. They were sitting in Blaine's dorm, Blaine sitting in-between Kurt's legs with his back and head rested against Kurt's chest.

" I have chemistry tomorrow." Blaine said, closing his eyes and sighing in content.

"How do you feel about it?"

"I feel good, I've studied and learnt everything I need to know." Blaine said.

"Do you want to study for it right now? I can help you." Kurt said, running his hand through Blaine's hair and separating the curls.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Blaine said. "Do you have any exams left?"

"I have drama next week, but I'm as prepared for it as I can be." Kurt replied. "Have you heard back from the University of South Carolina?"

"No, you'll be the first to know." Blaine said to him.

"You'll get in, I'm sure of it." Kurt said, smiling at him.

Blaine looked up at him and smiled, but Kurt could tell that Blaine was in another world. He was distant.

"What are you thinking about?" Kurt asked, placing his hand on Blaine's jaw and moving his thumb back and forward.

"Nothing." Blaine said, looking away from Kurt.

"Blaine, you're not here, talk to me." Kurt said, looking at him with love.

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