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twenty six years old.

"Blaine honey, we've landed."

"What?" Blaine said, voice thick with sleep. He took his head off of Kurt's shoulder, seeing that the plane was on the ground, and everyone around them was beginning to leave. "Oh."

"Come on sleepyhead." Kurt said, shaking his head and chuckling.

They grabbed all of their belongings from the plane, and exited, meeting up with Sebastian and Xavier who were on the same flight.

"I can't believe we got seated next to the fucking baby." Sebastian said. "We are never having children Xavier."

"Agreed." Xavier said, rubbing his temple.

They all made it to baggage claims, grabbing their suitcases when they came, and made their way to the exit of the airport, but stopped walking when they saw a familiar group of people.

"No fucking way." Sebastian said when he saw the sign the group were holding.

Kurt, Blaine and Xavier turned to look at the group of people, and seeing that the sign said 'So happy to meet you MrLover69, hope you're not an old guy!', while another person held 'Welcome back from prison! Try not to commit tax fraud again!'.

"I can't stand our friends." Xavier said, running a hand over his face. "They are the least funny people I've ever met."

"Guys!" Someone from the group shouted, and Kurt chuckled as Jeff ran over to them, catching Jeff as he jumped into his arms.

"Hello to you too, Jeff." Kurt said, smiling as Jeff hugged him tightly.

"I've missed you all so much, you need to come visit more often." Jeff said, hugging all of them. "Just because you're living in New York, doesn't mean you're too big for your Ohio friends."

"Jeff, Noah is the only one that still lives in Ohio." Sebastian said, rolling his eyes but hugging his friend.

"You know what I mean." Jeff said, punching him lightly on the arm. "Come see everyone else!"

The four of them followed Jeff to their other friends, and hugged all of them when they got there.

"Oh my god, you have a beard!" Thad said, putting his hands on the sides of Blaine's face and staring at his beard. "How the hell did you convince Kurt to let you to keep this."

"Oh, you have no idea how much I want to shave it off." Kurt said, glaring at the beard on his boyfriend's face.

"He hasn't kissed me for a week." Blaine said, staring longingly at Kurt, but then grinned at him.

"I'm not going near your face with that on it." Kurt said. "You're going to have to shave it off if you want me to kiss you."

Blaine rolled his eyes, but smiled at Kurt and leaned into his side.

"Right, ur we all goin' tae ma hoose? [Right, are we all going to my house?]" Noah asked them all, smiling when they all nodded. "Cool, well a kin fit five in ma car includin' maself, 'n' five in Jeff and Nick's car includin' them. [Cool, well a can fit five in my car including myself, and five in Jeff and Nick's car including them.]"

"Okay, how about Wes, David, Sebastian and Xavier in Noah's car, and Kurt, Blaine and Thad in mine and Jeff's car?" Nick suggested, and everyone agreed.

"Okay, do you all have your bags?" Wes asked the ones who had come from the plane.

"Yeah, we're ready to go." Sebastian said, grabbing his and Xavier's suitcases.

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