A Plan of Revenge

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(Three Months Ago, Istanbul)

"You overlooked one little detail, didn't you partner... what... face it genius, you've been played... oh really", Nate said, playing with his hands, before killing off one hand with the other; the heist Nate was on didn't go as planned, Harry betrayed Nate and now, he'd been stuck in prison for three months; looking at the wall, a shadow appeared

"Hey, hey, hey, jackass, you're ruining the show, here", Nate stated

"Ah, what a shame", a familiar voice said, causing Nate to get up off the bed and look at Sully

"Sully", Nate said happily

"I really can't leave you alone for a minute", Sully said with a laugh

"Oh man, am I glad to see you", Nate said

"How you doin' kid", Sully asked

"I'm doin' just great", Nate said as a guard opened the cell, allowing Sully inside

"So, I had to grease a few palms, did go through the rest of your money and a good chunk of my own, but hey...", Sully stated, hugging Nate, but ended up pulling away after smelling him, "Jesus, you stink",

"Yeah, not half as bad as that cigar, how'd you find me", Nate asked

"Well, a friend of yours asked for my help", Sully said as Chloe walked up to the cell

"Hello, Nate", Chloe greeted

"Oh no, no,", Nate said, backing up

"Now, wait a second", Sully protested, but Nate didn't listen

"Sully, kick her out and shut the door, we're safer in here", Nate stated

"Just wait a goddamn minute, hear her out", Sully said

"Thank you, Victor", Chloe said, walking into the cell

"Hey, no offense, Sully, but you're not exactly the best judge of character", Nate stated, "especially when it comes to women",

"Fair enough, all the same", Sully said

"Dear god", Chloe said, covering her nose

"Oh no, it's not that bad, look, I have my own bucket", Nate stated in anger, "the last cell I was in, eight of us had to share",

"Listen Nate", Chloe began

"You know, I really appreciate you dropping by, but if you and Flynn hadn't screwed me over in the first place, I wouldn't be rotting in this shithole for the last three months", Nate stated in anger

"I had nothing to do with it", Chloe said

"Right", Nate said, not wanting to deal with Chloe

"Nate, she's telling the truth, they found the ships", Ella stated, walking into the cell

"In Borneo... wait, Ella... what are you doing here", Nate asked, his anger going away and into surprised

"Chloe called me, though it took awhile; I took the first flight here, by the way, Chase says hi", Ella stated once again, Nate said nothing but wrapped his arms around Ella, giving her a hug, "You really need a shower",

"Noted... but what about the Chintamani Stone", Nate asked, letting go of Ella and looking at Chloe

"How do you know about that", Chloe asked

"Do you really think Flynn could've figured that out on his own", Nate asked in sarcasm

"Alright, good point; no, they haven't found it yet", Chloe stated

"What do you mean, they", Nate asked

"Flynn and his client, Lazarevic", Sully said

"You know, the nutcase", Chloe added

"Alright then, if they haven't found the stone, that means there's still time", Nate stated, "Chloe, you're gonna get us into that dig site, we're gonna snatch that treasure right out from underneath them",

"They'll never see it coming", Chloe stated

"Yeah, well, paybacks a bitch", Nate muttered, leaving the cell, the three following behind him, out of the prison and out of Istanbul

(Two Days Later)

"Find anything yet", Ella asked, looking through books, arriving at Sully's, Nate was able to shower and get proper rest.

"Almost... sorry if I pulled you away from your adventure", Nate said

"No worries, we actually finished our adventure, which reminds me, got you a souvenir", Ella stated, reaching into her pocket and tossing Nate her souvenir, which he caught

"A crystal... is it real", Nate asked

"Yes... straight from King Solomon's Mines", Ella stated, making Nate's eyes widen

"You guys found his mines", Nate asked in both bewilderment and excitement

"Chase did, and so did another party, but... the mines caved in, inaccessible now", Ella said

"Next time... I'm coming along... let's go, found what we're looking for", Nate stated, holding a book with depictions of the Chintamani Stone; walking to a table where both Chloe and Sully waited, Nate later dropped the book on the table for everyone to see

"Look, they call it "the wish-fulfilling jewel" it's a sacred object", Nate said

"What, like a Buddhist "holy grail", Chloe asked

"Exactly, right here, "In the kingdom of Shambhala lies the most precious thing to be found in all the world; a perfect raw sapphire of the deepest blue, larger than the reach of a man's arms", Ella read out loud

"Oh, that's gotta be worth millions", Sully stated

"Hundreds of millions", Nate added, "and you say there's more of this",

"Loads more, Lazarevic paid top dollar for Marco Polo's journals; he's been after the Chintamani Stone for years", Chloe stated

"Well, if he's been counting on Flynn to find it for him, it's no wonder he hasn't had any luck", Sully stated

"If I can get a look at Lazarevic's files, I can find that Stone", Nate said

"Hang on a minute, cowboy, that's easier said than done", Chloe stated, "the files are in his tent, and his tent is in the middle of the camp, it's like an armed compound, there are soldiers everywhere",

"That's why it has to be an inside job, someone they know and trust can cause a diversion, allowing the others to sneak inside", Ella explained

"Are you in", Nate asked

"Oh, hell yes, I was in before you two were", Sully stated

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